Can Jinns Open Doors?
Author: Shiakh Hassan Bin Abdul Wahhaab Al Banna (brother of the
Noble Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaab Al Banna, may Allah
preserve them both)
Translator: Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee
Q: O Noble Shaikh, a questioner asks; do Jinns have the ability
to open doors?
A: In general Allah has saved the righteous believers from the
likes of this type of mischief. This is due to the fact that the Jinn
are unseen and thus can do great harm if this protection was not
there. However, this is not necessarily the case with regards to
those sinning people who have pictures and dogs in their houses
or for the Kuffaar (disbelievers). With this having been said, it is
important to note, that more importantly, one should be worried
about the whispers of the shaiyaateen (devils); and not so much
whether or not they can open doors. The shaiyaateen will not
cease in trying to influence the Human Being by way of the
whisper. They are always trying. Every time a servant seeks
refuge with Allah they (the shaiyaateen) are repelled. They are
repelled but they do not leave. The more a servant seeks refuge
with Allah the more distance is placed between him and the
shaiyaateen; whenever his is neglectful of seeking refuge in Allah,
(and from making the prescribed thikr), the shaiyaateen draw
closer and closer. This back and forth will be the case for the
duration of an individual’s life. Due to this the whisper from the
shaiyaateen should be worried about and not whether or not they
Can Jinns Open Doors?
can open doors. So what if you buy some bread, bring it home,
put it on the table, and then one of the shaiyaateen takes and
steals it from you. I mean, have you really been harmed? This is
nothing; rather one should be on his guard about the whisper, the
Jazakum Allahu khayrun. Extremely beneficial...