Friday, June 12, 2009

Blame Ourselves


Blame the Rulers

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) talked about what people think is the fitnah of

"our times", i.e. meaning his own times, but this applies just as well to the

contemporary fitnah of our own times. About the ways of Allaah (􏰀) in this creation

vis-a-vis the rulers and the ruled, he said :

"And contemplate Allaah's (􏰀) Wisdom when He made people of authority, making

them a reflection of the ruled. It is as if the deeds of the ruled appear in the form and

deeds of their rulers :

if the ruled are upright, then their rulers will be upright

if the ruled incline away from uprightness, then their rulers will do the same to them

if the ruled transgress and oppress, then their rulers will do the same to them

if there appears deception and plotting from the ruled, then it will be the same from

their rulers

if the ruled take away the rights of the people and become miser as to the rights of

others, then their rulers will do the same to them and deprive them of their rights

if the ruled take away from the oppressed /weak among them that which they deserve

not to take in their transactions with them, then their rulers will do that towards the

ruled's wealth and take what they deserve not, and impose on the ruled taxes and


and whenever the ruled take from the oppressed and weak unjustly, then their rulers

will do the same to them and take it by force

so the actions of the ruled appear in the actions of the rulers and it is not in the

Divine Wisdom that Allaah (􏰀) assigns authority over the wicked and evils ones,

EXCEPT to the ones who are of their own kind

Since the first generation was of the best generation and of the most righteous, ... so

were their leaders righteous

It is not befitting Allaah's Wisdom that in "our times" (Ibnul Qayyim's times) that those

assigned to authority over us be the like of Muawwiya and 'Umar bin 'Abdul 'Aziz, not

to mention Abu Bakr and 'Umar. The leaders of those before us were in accordance

with their own conditions and ranks. Our leaders are in accordance with our own

condition and rank. In both cases, this is entailed by the Wisdom of Allaah (􏰀)."

Such is the conclusion of Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullah) concerning his times,

i.e. the 8th century A.H., so what do you think about our own times?

The Wisdom of Allaah (􏰀) pertains to His Attributes. He puts things in accordance

with His Hikmah and puts them in their proper places with what fits. The Wisdom of

Allaah (􏰀) has a noble and most perfect objective.

As for those who hasten in making these roads for "deliverance" and see getting rid of

the rulers as the solution to their problems, they confuse symptoms and disease.

The rulers are seen as being the causes when in reality they are only the symptoms. The

true illness is within the ruled. Therefore, all endeavors towards finding a solution

should focus on the ruled themselves.

The deeds of the ruled are reflected in the deeds of the people having authority over

them. When the people are not ready and are away from the deen of Allaah, who would

you expect them to deserve as rulers?

Contemplate this very carefully!

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