Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Woman's Strong Determination to Repent!!! Read it and Weep (Literally!!!)

It was reported on the authority of Hassan Al Basree (Rahimahullah), who was one of the scholars from the Ta'bieen:

There was a prostitute who had a third of the beauty of Adam (Alaihis salam). She would not allow anyone to have sexual relations with her unless it
was for 100 dinars. There was a slave boy who saw her one day and her beauty amazed him so much that he went and worked and toiled with his
own two hands until he collected 100 dinars. So he went to her and said: "Your beauty amazed me so much that I went and worked and
toiled with my own two hands and immediately collected 100 dinars!" So she said to him: "Enter!" So he entered and to his amazement she
had a bed made of gold. He said: "So I sat on her bed and she said to me: "Come on!" So when he sat between her legs he remembered his
standing in front of Allah!! His heart began to tremble and quiver and he said to her: "Let me leave and you can keep the money!!" She said to
him: "What is wrong with you?! You were the one who said that you saw me and my beauty amazed you so you worked and toiled hard
and quickly with your bare hands until you collected 100 dinars and now that you have the ability to take what is rightfully yours this
is what you do?!!! "

So he said: "I am afraid of Allah and my standing in front of Him! I was once the most hated person to you (because he was a poor slave)
and now you are the most hated person to me!" (because he now realizes the sin she is allowing him to commit) So she said: "If you are
honest in what you say, then you are the only husband for me!" So he said: "Let me leave!" So she said: "No! Not until you marry me?!"
So he said: "No! Not until you allow me to leave!" So she said: "If you leave and I go out in search of you, do you promise that if I find
you, you will marry me?" So he said: "Perhaps!" So she let his garment go, he left and returned to his city. She set out in search of him
remorseful and repentant for what she had done until she found the city where he resided. She asked around town about his whereabouts and she
was directed towards where he lived. So someone said to him in passing:

إن الملكة قد جاء!
"The queen has come!" (He said this because her clothing and demeanor spoke that of a queen)

So when he saw her he cried so profusely and began to gag and gasp for air (as he never expected to see her again and now to his amazement,
believed that she was a queen!) and he died while falling into her arms! So she said:

أما هذا فقد فاتني فهل له من قريب؟
"As for him, I have lost this one! Does he have any relatives?

So it was said to her:
له أخ فقير!
"He has a brother but he is poor!"

So she said with all candor and sincerity:

فأتزوجه حبا لأخيه!
"Thus I will marry him because of my love for his brother!!" (keep in mind they still believe that she is the queen!)

So she married him.

Translator's Note: This narration is taken from a book called Hilyat ul Awliyaa by Abu Nu'aim Al Asbahani (Rahimahullah) and it is a book filled with
narrations about amazing events during the time of the Salaf. Some of these narrations may not be authentic or we may not know the authenticity of
them, however the scholars use them in the realm of what is called At Targheeb wat Tarheeb (i.e. encouragement (to be obedient to Allah) and
discouragement (from disobedience to Allah) and they have stipulated 4 conditions for using these narrations and I will provide them below for the
reader's clarification:

The First: The narration can not be used to establish and/or substantiate a legislative Islamic ruling. As the Islamic rulings in Islam are established
and/or supported by authentic unequivocal and concrete texts from the Qur'an, Authentic Sunnah and the Ijma'a (i.e. Consensus) of the Sahabah
and the Salaf us Salih (i.e. Righteous Predecessors)

The Second: The narration can not be attributed to the Prophet (Sallahu alaihi wa salam) or the narrator unless the Isnad (i.e. chain of narrators)
is affirmed by those scholars who are proficient in that respective field. So thats why the scholars will say when narrating these types of narrations
"It was reported…." Or "it was mentioned about…" but they will never say such and such said.

The Third: The class of the narration has to be clarified when quoted so as not to mislead the reader and/or listener to believe that it is authentic if
it is not authentic.

The Fourth: It can only be used in the realm of what the scholars call At Targheeb wat Tarheeb, as it was mentioned before.

Translated by Abu Az Zubayr Shadeed Muhammad on the 1431H./1/4 corresponding to Dec. 19 2009 in the city of Riyadh, the Capital of Saudi

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Devil's Deception Regarding Birth Control

"[O]vulating women not on the [birth control] pill 'exhibit a preference for more masculine features, are particularly attracted to men showing dominance and male-male competitiveness and prefer partners who are genetically dissimilar to themselves.'

"Women on the pill tend to pick more effeminate men who look like themselves. This could lead to problems conceiving, according to the study conducted at the University of Sheffield.

"'There is evidence that genetic similarity between couples might be linked with infertility,' said the study..."


Also, keep in mind that male features tend to be tied to testosterone, a hormone that also influences sperm count (http://men.webmd.com/testosterone-15738?print=true).

More effeminate men tend to produce less testosterone, resulting in a lower sperm count, and lower fertility.
Less effeminate men tend to produce more testosterone, resulting in a greater sperm count, and greater fertility.

Theoretically, a woman could consistently take pills, remaining attracted to effeminate men.

This is further evidence that the West is killing humanity.

Other evidence includes:

1) The West's condoning relationships that can't possibly result in children (same-sex marriages)
2) In the name of women's rights, women are starting families later in life so they can establish a career, making it less likely that they can bear children.

Muslims have clearly been deceived by this when they make their daughters wait until after college to get married.

3) Polygamy is regarded as a horrible transgression against women, even though it's a way to have more children.

Shaykh Bin Baaz said:
Allah has sanctioned the means that lead to procreation and a larger Muslim nation. The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi-wasallam) said,

"Marry the child-bearing, loving women for I shall outnumber the peoples by you on the Day of Resurrection." [Irwaa al-Ghaleel]

Another narration states at the end, "[outnumber] the prophets on the Day of Resurrection."

The Muslim Nation is in need of being increased in numbers so that it may worship Allah, strive in His way, and defend the Muslims, by the will of Allah, from the plots of their enemies. It is a must to avoid such things [as birth control] and not to use them except in the cases of dire necessity.
