Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Educating Children about Evils of Terrorism

With recent media coverage re terrorists and their plots I have posted excerpts from the advice of Shaykh Abu Umar al-Utaybi [hathidahullah]with regards to educating our children with regards to these affairs, so they have the correct outlook and do not feel sorrow for the capture or imprisonment of these people.
And remind for Verily a reminder benefits the Believer] (51:55)

From the Shaykhs speech: quote:

Each of you is a shepherd and each is responsible for his flock.
The leader is the shepherd and responsible for his flock.
A man is a shepherd over his family and responsible for his flock.
A woman is a shepherd at her husbandýs home and responsible for her flock.
A servant is a shepherd over the property of his landlord and responsible for his flock.
And a man is a shepherd over the property of his father and responsible for his flock.
So, each of you is a shepherd and responsible and will be questioned about his flock.1

Hatred for Terrorism & the Terrorists

One of the issues we are required to do is raise our children, cultivating within them abhorrence for terrorism and terrorists;exposing them, their plots, and their patterns.
And we must isolate our children from them and distance children from following their way and objective.

Also, they are advised to be glad when terrorists, even one of them, are stopped (arrested, etc.) and put away. Children should be taught that by even one terrorist's arrest or being stopped, this is a victory for Islam and Muslims; it is a relief and comfort to Muslims without the evil of such a destructive terrorist.

They are certainly days of happiness and joy when we hear of a terrorist's plot being exposed or a terrorist's crime prevented, or even if capital punishment is carried out upon a criminal terrorist.
We must neither display nor feel sympathy for terrorists when they are defeated so that our children see no contradicting behavior nor give terrorists the benefit of doubt.

And if they ever do see someone displaying any type of grief over the death of a terrorist, then it should be explained that such may be sadness in the sense remorse over their situation; how Satan deceived and destroyed them, and not in a sense of liking the terrorists.

Terrorist acts are to be taken very seriously (when discussing them with children) and treated with firm resolve and strictness as should the terrorists themselves. This is so that those who don't yet know the truth about them donýt begin to sympathize with them.

It's the obligation of every Muslim and to protect himself and those under his care from any means that could lead to extremism, intolerance, and terrorism. AllAh [subhanahu wa t'ala] says:

Oh believers, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are (appointed) angels, harsh and severe. They don't disobey Allah in what He commands them, but do (everything) they are instructed.
[Surah al-Tahrim, verse 66:06]

I ask Allah to shelter us and our children from extremism and corruption and to make them righteous people encouraging others to righteousness.
And Allah knows best.

May Allah send peace and prayers upon our prophet, Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi was sallam]

1. Recorded by al-Bukhari (no. 893), Muslim (no. 1829), al-Tirmidhi (no. 1705), Abu Dawud (no.2928, and others.

The full article an be found here at


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