Thursday, December 10, 2009

the difficult circumstances Yusuf faced at the time when he was being called to the evil act of Zinaa.

Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah) mentioned :
[1] Firstly; Allaah has placed in man's nature an inclination towards a woman, just like the inclination of a thirsty person towards water and that of a hungry person towards food. And even though many people do exercise patience with regards to their (desire) for food and drink, but not with regards to their (desire) for women. This is not (something) blameworthy if it is in accordance with what is permissible, rather it is something praiseworthy.

[2] Yusuf (at the time) was a young man, and the sexual desire of a young man is much stronger.

[3] He was a bachelor.

[4] He was a slave of the Azeez's wife and was bought for a few dirhams. And a slave has no control over his affairs.

[5] He was a stranger in the land; a stranger in a strange land can fulfil desires, which he is not able to fulfil in his own land and in the presence of his family and those who know him well.

[6] The wife of the Azeez was a woman of high status and beauty; so one these two (affairs) calls one to agree with her request.

[7] The wife of the Azeez was not inaccessible.

[8] She sought after Yusuf; she desired him and was infatuated with him. Many many men become filled with vanity/pride when a woman (merely) waves or winks at them.

[9] Yusuf was living in her house. He was under her authority and would have feared being harmed for refusing to obey her in what she was calling him to.

[10] Yusuf was safe from being exposed; because she sought after him and locked the doors.

[11] She also appeared in her best adornment and said to Yusuf, 'Come on O you!'

[12] She also threatened Yusuf with imprisonment and belittlement.

[13] She sought the assistance of the rest of the women and Yusuf sought the assistance of Allaah against them. He said:

'Unless You (Allaah) turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those who do deeds) of the ignorant' [Surah Yusuf; Ayah: 33]

Despite all these difficult circumstances surrounding Yusuf (alayhis-salaam), he exercised patience and preferred obedience to his Lord. He preferred the pleasure of Allaah and fear of Him. His love of Allaah made him choose imprisonment over committing adultery. He said:

'He said: 'O my Lord! Prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me.' [Surah Yusuf; Ayah: 33]

Yusuf knew that he could not avert what they were calling him to; and that if his Lord does not protect him and avert the plot of those women, he will be inclined towards them and become of the ignorant ones. This is from Yusuf's perfect knowledge about his Lord and himself.

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