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Lowers cholesterol
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Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
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Guards against ulcers
Strengthens bones
Lowers cholesterol
Supports immune systems
Aids digestion
Monday, December 28, 2009
"Narcotics are more destructive to societies than nuclear weapons!"
His Eminence the Muftee, may Allaah preserve him:
Reported by Lutfee Abdul-Lateef for the "al-Madeenah" newspaper in Riyaadh
The eminent Shaykh Abdul-Azeez bin Abdullaah Aal as-Shaykh, Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, President of the Panel of Major Scholars, and President of the Permanent Committee of Verdicts, Allaah preserve him, declared that:
"Narcotics in their various forms, from heroine, cocaine, to hashish, are more harmful and destructive to human societies than nuclear weapons!"
Said his eminences, Allaah preserve him: "If the nuclear weapon threatens mankind, then surely narcotics are a destructive force that demolishes human societies. They corrupt people, remove their intellects, cause the spilling of blood, cause a horrendous array of diseases, cause memory loss to those who indulge in them, cause great harm to families, they rob a person of motivation, ruin a person's Islaam, and they are the source of many crimes and evil consequences; hence their being labeled as the 'Mother of All Filth'."
The Grand Muftee, Allaah preserve him, insisted upon the turning in of drug dealers, the pursuit of them, and lowering upon them the strictest of deterrents. (He also urged) that no muslim be lenient or merciful to them because they are corrupt criminals.
His eminences the Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal as-Shaykh, Allaah preserve him, said:
"Neither is the defense nor the mediation on the part of one proved to be engrossed or involved in the trafficking of narcotics allowed. This is because they are a depraved criminal mob that fall into the generality of Allaah's, the Blessed and the Sublime's statement,
'The only reward for those who make war upon Allaah and His Messenger and cause corruption in the earth is that they are executed, crucified, their hands are cut on the opposite side of their body that their foot is cut, or that they are exiled from the land.'"
His Eminence added that: "The enemies of al-Islaam attempt wreck the Muslim countries with the use of narcotics, and their colonization of the Muslim lands is now through this murderous blight whose access and distribution they allow for the subversion of the Muslim world."
He, Allaah preserve him, continued: "All Muslims are obliged to maintain a tough unyielding stance in combating narcotics and its traffickers, as protectors of the Muslim lands and their peoples from this disastrous problem." He went on to say, "Al-Islaam has forbidden narcotics because of their extreme harms and grave nature. Furthermore, trade in narcotics has been prohibited, and the moneys made from the narcotics trade is forbidden and counted as dirty and impure."
Finally, he stated, "It is not permitted for the Muslim who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to participate in the distribution, sale, trade, or the trafficking of narcotics. Neither is it permissible to conspire with the traffickers, defend the conspirators in drug cases, to advocate for them, or to grant them leniency."
Newspaper "al-Madeenah"
Reported by Lutfee Abdul-Lateef for the "al-Madeenah" newspaper in Riyaadh
The eminent Shaykh Abdul-Azeez bin Abdullaah Aal as-Shaykh, Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, President of the Panel of Major Scholars, and President of the Permanent Committee of Verdicts, Allaah preserve him, declared that:
"Narcotics in their various forms, from heroine, cocaine, to hashish, are more harmful and destructive to human societies than nuclear weapons!"
Said his eminences, Allaah preserve him: "If the nuclear weapon threatens mankind, then surely narcotics are a destructive force that demolishes human societies. They corrupt people, remove their intellects, cause the spilling of blood, cause a horrendous array of diseases, cause memory loss to those who indulge in them, cause great harm to families, they rob a person of motivation, ruin a person's Islaam, and they are the source of many crimes and evil consequences; hence their being labeled as the 'Mother of All Filth'."
The Grand Muftee, Allaah preserve him, insisted upon the turning in of drug dealers, the pursuit of them, and lowering upon them the strictest of deterrents. (He also urged) that no muslim be lenient or merciful to them because they are corrupt criminals.
His eminences the Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal as-Shaykh, Allaah preserve him, said:
"Neither is the defense nor the mediation on the part of one proved to be engrossed or involved in the trafficking of narcotics allowed. This is because they are a depraved criminal mob that fall into the generality of Allaah's, the Blessed and the Sublime's statement,
'The only reward for those who make war upon Allaah and His Messenger and cause corruption in the earth is that they are executed, crucified, their hands are cut on the opposite side of their body that their foot is cut, or that they are exiled from the land.'"
His Eminence added that: "The enemies of al-Islaam attempt wreck the Muslim countries with the use of narcotics, and their colonization of the Muslim lands is now through this murderous blight whose access and distribution they allow for the subversion of the Muslim world."
He, Allaah preserve him, continued: "All Muslims are obliged to maintain a tough unyielding stance in combating narcotics and its traffickers, as protectors of the Muslim lands and their peoples from this disastrous problem." He went on to say, "Al-Islaam has forbidden narcotics because of their extreme harms and grave nature. Furthermore, trade in narcotics has been prohibited, and the moneys made from the narcotics trade is forbidden and counted as dirty and impure."
Finally, he stated, "It is not permitted for the Muslim who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to participate in the distribution, sale, trade, or the trafficking of narcotics. Neither is it permissible to conspire with the traffickers, defend the conspirators in drug cases, to advocate for them, or to grant them leniency."
Newspaper "al-Madeenah"
"Narcotics are more destructive to societies than nuclear weapons!"
His Eminence the Muftee, may Allaah preserve him:
Reported by Lutfee Abdul-Lateef for the "al-Madeenah" newspaper in Riyaadh
The eminent Shaykh Abdul-Azeez bin Abdullaah Aal as-Shaykh, Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, President of the Panel of Major Scholars, and President of the Permanent Committee of Verdicts, Allaah preserve him, declared that:
"Narcotics in their various forms, from heroine, cocaine, to hashish, are more harmful and destructive to human societies than nuclear weapons!"
Said his eminences, Allaah preserve him: "If the nuclear weapon threatens mankind, then surely narcotics are a destructive force that demolishes human societies. They corrupt people, remove their intellects, cause the spilling of blood, cause a horrendous array of diseases, cause memory loss to those who indulge in them, cause great harm to families, they rob a person of motivation, ruin a person's Islaam, and they are the source of many crimes and evil consequences; hence their being labeled as the 'Mother of All Filth'."
The Grand Muftee, Allaah preserve him, insisted upon the turning in of drug dealers, the pursuit of them, and lowering upon them the strictest of deterrents. (He also urged) that no muslim be lenient or merciful to them because they are corrupt criminals.
His eminences the Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal as-Shaykh, Allaah preserve him, said:
"Neither is the defense nor the mediation on the part of one proved to be engrossed or involved in the trafficking of narcotics allowed. This is because they are a depraved criminal mob that fall into the generality of Allaah's, the Blessed and the Sublime's statement,
'The only reward for those who make war upon Allaah and His Messenger and cause corruption in the earth is that they are executed, crucified, their hands are cut on the opposite side of their body that their foot is cut, or that they are exiled from the land.'"
His Eminence added that: "The enemies of al-Islaam attempt wreck the Muslim countries with the use of narcotics, and their colonization of the Muslim lands is now through this murderous blight whose access and distribution they allow for the subversion of the Muslim world."
He, Allaah preserve him, continued: "All Muslims are obliged to maintain a tough unyielding stance in combating narcotics and its traffickers, as protectors of the Muslim lands and their peoples from this disastrous problem." He went on to say, "Al-Islaam has forbidden narcotics because of their extreme harms and grave nature. Furthermore, trade in narcotics has been prohibited, and the moneys made from the narcotics trade is forbidden and counted as dirty and impure."
Finally, he stated, "It is not permitted for the Muslim who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to participate in the distribution, sale, trade, or the trafficking of narcotics. Neither is it permissible to conspire with the traffickers, defend the conspirators in drug cases, to advocate for them, or to grant them leniency."
Newspaper "al-Madeenah"
Reported by Lutfee Abdul-Lateef for the "al-Madeenah" newspaper in Riyaadh
The eminent Shaykh Abdul-Azeez bin Abdullaah Aal as-Shaykh, Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, President of the Panel of Major Scholars, and President of the Permanent Committee of Verdicts, Allaah preserve him, declared that:
"Narcotics in their various forms, from heroine, cocaine, to hashish, are more harmful and destructive to human societies than nuclear weapons!"
Said his eminences, Allaah preserve him: "If the nuclear weapon threatens mankind, then surely narcotics are a destructive force that demolishes human societies. They corrupt people, remove their intellects, cause the spilling of blood, cause a horrendous array of diseases, cause memory loss to those who indulge in them, cause great harm to families, they rob a person of motivation, ruin a person's Islaam, and they are the source of many crimes and evil consequences; hence their being labeled as the 'Mother of All Filth'."
The Grand Muftee, Allaah preserve him, insisted upon the turning in of drug dealers, the pursuit of them, and lowering upon them the strictest of deterrents. (He also urged) that no muslim be lenient or merciful to them because they are corrupt criminals.
His eminences the Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Aal as-Shaykh, Allaah preserve him, said:
"Neither is the defense nor the mediation on the part of one proved to be engrossed or involved in the trafficking of narcotics allowed. This is because they are a depraved criminal mob that fall into the generality of Allaah's, the Blessed and the Sublime's statement,
'The only reward for those who make war upon Allaah and His Messenger and cause corruption in the earth is that they are executed, crucified, their hands are cut on the opposite side of their body that their foot is cut, or that they are exiled from the land.'"
His Eminence added that: "The enemies of al-Islaam attempt wreck the Muslim countries with the use of narcotics, and their colonization of the Muslim lands is now through this murderous blight whose access and distribution they allow for the subversion of the Muslim world."
He, Allaah preserve him, continued: "All Muslims are obliged to maintain a tough unyielding stance in combating narcotics and its traffickers, as protectors of the Muslim lands and their peoples from this disastrous problem." He went on to say, "Al-Islaam has forbidden narcotics because of their extreme harms and grave nature. Furthermore, trade in narcotics has been prohibited, and the moneys made from the narcotics trade is forbidden and counted as dirty and impure."
Finally, he stated, "It is not permitted for the Muslim who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to participate in the distribution, sale, trade, or the trafficking of narcotics. Neither is it permissible to conspire with the traffickers, defend the conspirators in drug cases, to advocate for them, or to grant them leniency."
Newspaper "al-Madeenah"
The Purposes of the Believer's Trial
From the Book: Fatawa Islamiyah Islamic Verdicts Volume 1
From the Noble Scholars: Shaykh 'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz
Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimin
Along with: The Permanent Committee and the decisions of the Fiqh Council
Collected by: Muhammad bin 'Abdul-'Aziz al-Musnad
Pgs. 177-180
Why does Allah burden the believers, who perform many acts of worship, with illnesses and trials, while the disobedient ones enjoy the good things in life?
This question comes from two angles: The first is one of dissaproval and the second is one of seeking advice. As for the disapproval expressed, it is indicative of the questioner's ignorance, for Allah's Wisdom is too great for the human mind to encompass; He, the Almighty, the All-Powerful says:
And they ask you (O Muhammad [sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam])
concerning the Ruh (the spirit); say: "The Ruh (the spirit)
is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my
Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a
little." [1]
So this spirit, which is in our bodies, and which is the essence of life, we do not know what it is, and scientists, philosophers and theologians have tried in vain to define it and to describe it. Therefore, if we do not understand anything about this spirit, which is the closest creation to us, except what has been described to us in the Qur'an and Sunnah, how can you expect to understand the wisdom behind this (i.e. the trial of the believers)? Allah, the Mighty, the Majestic is Wiser, Greater, More Powerful and More Able; thus it is incumbent upon us to accept His Decree with a complete acceptance, both those which He allows to happen without necessitating His approval, and those which happen with His liking and approval. This is because we are unable to appreciate the design and purpose behind the Wisdom of Him, the Almighty, the Majestic. What is incumbent regarding this aspect of the question, is to say: "Allah knows better, He is Wiser, more Able and Greater."
As for the second angle, which is the question of guidance, we say, in answer to this question: The believer is tested; and the trial is from Allah, which tests him through harm has two purposes. It is a test of the man's faith - is it firm, or shaky? The true believer accepts and understands the Decree of Allah and His Will and he hopes to be rewarded for it, and so the matter becomes easy for him. It is said that a believing woman was afflicted by an injury to her finger, but she did not feel any pain, nor did she show any signs of distress. She was asked about it and she said: "Verily, the sweetness of its reward made me forget the bitterness of its pain." So the believer hopes for a reward from Allah, the Most High and he submits with complete conviction. This is one purpose; as for the second, verily, Allah praises those who patiently persevere with great approval and He informs them that He is with them
*[1] and He grants them their recompense without measure or account. Patience is a high rank, which none can reach except those who are put to trial in matters over which they demonstrate patient perseverance. If he does so, he achieves this high rank in which is this great reward. Thus, the trial of Allah upon the believers by what harms them enables them to achieve the rank of the patient ones. This is why the Messenger (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) - who was the best of mankind in faith and the most pious of them and the most God-fearing - suffered from illness enough for two men, and it was extremely hard upon him when the agony of death came to him. And all of this was so that he might perfect his level of patience; and verily, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was the most patient of the patient ones. From this, you can see the wisdom behind Allah testing the believers with such calamities. As for Him giving the disobedient ones, the sinners, the profligate and the disbelievers well-being and sustenance in abundance, this is a lure into destruction from Allah, the Most High for them. It is authentically reported from the Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that he said:
((Verily, this world is a prison for the believer and a
Paradise for the disbeliever.)) **[1]
So they are given these good things as advance compensation for their good in the life of this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, they receive their just reward. Allah, the Most High says:
And on the Day when those who disbelieve (in the Oneness
of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) will be exposed to the Fire,
(it will be said): "You received your good things in the life
of the world, and you took your pleasure therein. Now this
Day shall you be recompensed with a torment of humiliation,
because you were arrogant in the land without a right, and
because you used to rebel and disobey (Allah)." [2]
In brief, this world is for the disbelievers, by which they are lured to destruction, after which, they go on from this life in which they were blessed, to the afterlife, where they find punishment - we seek refuge with Allah from that - and the punishment will be worse for them because they will find therein torment and suffering, in addition to which, they will suffer the loss of things dear to them in the life of this world, its blessings and its luxuries. This is a third purpose which we might add to the above mentioned two, concerning the harm and illness the believer endures, for he transfers to an abode of goodness from this world, so he will have gone from a painful situation to one of ease and comfort, and his happiness at the felicity given to him will be doubled, because he has found ease and comfort in place of the pains and calamities he previously suffered.
Ibn 'Uthaimin
[1] Al-Isra' 17:85.
*[1] That is, in His Seeing, His Hearing and His Knowledge.
**[1] Muslim no. 2956.
[2] Al-Ahqaf 46:20.
From the Noble Scholars: Shaykh 'Abdul-'Aziz bin 'Abdullah bin Baz
Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-Uthaimin
Along with: The Permanent Committee and the decisions of the Fiqh Council
Collected by: Muhammad bin 'Abdul-'Aziz al-Musnad
Pgs. 177-180
Why does Allah burden the believers, who perform many acts of worship, with illnesses and trials, while the disobedient ones enjoy the good things in life?
This question comes from two angles: The first is one of dissaproval and the second is one of seeking advice. As for the disapproval expressed, it is indicative of the questioner's ignorance, for Allah's Wisdom is too great for the human mind to encompass; He, the Almighty, the All-Powerful says:
And they ask you (O Muhammad [sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam])
concerning the Ruh (the spirit); say: "The Ruh (the spirit)
is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my
Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a
little." [1]
So this spirit, which is in our bodies, and which is the essence of life, we do not know what it is, and scientists, philosophers and theologians have tried in vain to define it and to describe it. Therefore, if we do not understand anything about this spirit, which is the closest creation to us, except what has been described to us in the Qur'an and Sunnah, how can you expect to understand the wisdom behind this (i.e. the trial of the believers)? Allah, the Mighty, the Majestic is Wiser, Greater, More Powerful and More Able; thus it is incumbent upon us to accept His Decree with a complete acceptance, both those which He allows to happen without necessitating His approval, and those which happen with His liking and approval. This is because we are unable to appreciate the design and purpose behind the Wisdom of Him, the Almighty, the Majestic. What is incumbent regarding this aspect of the question, is to say: "Allah knows better, He is Wiser, more Able and Greater."
As for the second angle, which is the question of guidance, we say, in answer to this question: The believer is tested; and the trial is from Allah, which tests him through harm has two purposes. It is a test of the man's faith - is it firm, or shaky? The true believer accepts and understands the Decree of Allah and His Will and he hopes to be rewarded for it, and so the matter becomes easy for him. It is said that a believing woman was afflicted by an injury to her finger, but she did not feel any pain, nor did she show any signs of distress. She was asked about it and she said: "Verily, the sweetness of its reward made me forget the bitterness of its pain." So the believer hopes for a reward from Allah, the Most High and he submits with complete conviction. This is one purpose; as for the second, verily, Allah praises those who patiently persevere with great approval and He informs them that He is with them
*[1] and He grants them their recompense without measure or account. Patience is a high rank, which none can reach except those who are put to trial in matters over which they demonstrate patient perseverance. If he does so, he achieves this high rank in which is this great reward. Thus, the trial of Allah upon the believers by what harms them enables them to achieve the rank of the patient ones. This is why the Messenger (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) - who was the best of mankind in faith and the most pious of them and the most God-fearing - suffered from illness enough for two men, and it was extremely hard upon him when the agony of death came to him. And all of this was so that he might perfect his level of patience; and verily, he (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was the most patient of the patient ones. From this, you can see the wisdom behind Allah testing the believers with such calamities. As for Him giving the disobedient ones, the sinners, the profligate and the disbelievers well-being and sustenance in abundance, this is a lure into destruction from Allah, the Most High for them. It is authentically reported from the Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam) that he said:
((Verily, this world is a prison for the believer and a
Paradise for the disbeliever.)) **[1]
So they are given these good things as advance compensation for their good in the life of this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, they receive their just reward. Allah, the Most High says:
And on the Day when those who disbelieve (in the Oneness
of Allah - Islamic Monotheism) will be exposed to the Fire,
(it will be said): "You received your good things in the life
of the world, and you took your pleasure therein. Now this
Day shall you be recompensed with a torment of humiliation,
because you were arrogant in the land without a right, and
because you used to rebel and disobey (Allah)." [2]
In brief, this world is for the disbelievers, by which they are lured to destruction, after which, they go on from this life in which they were blessed, to the afterlife, where they find punishment - we seek refuge with Allah from that - and the punishment will be worse for them because they will find therein torment and suffering, in addition to which, they will suffer the loss of things dear to them in the life of this world, its blessings and its luxuries. This is a third purpose which we might add to the above mentioned two, concerning the harm and illness the believer endures, for he transfers to an abode of goodness from this world, so he will have gone from a painful situation to one of ease and comfort, and his happiness at the felicity given to him will be doubled, because he has found ease and comfort in place of the pains and calamities he previously suffered.
Ibn 'Uthaimin
[1] Al-Isra' 17:85.
*[1] That is, in His Seeing, His Hearing and His Knowledge.
**[1] Muslim no. 2956.
[2] Al-Ahqaf 46:20.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The Issue of Minarets upon the Mosques
Was there a minaret in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam)?
Our Shaykh mentioned from ash-Shaatibee (in al-Iýtisaam), and those that quote from them that the prophetic adhaan was called from the minaarah (minaret). Likewise, it was quoted similarly from Ibnul-Haaj, (in al-madkhal). However, he (Shaykh al-Albaanee - rahimahullaah) was not pleased with that statement, and he said (in al-Ajwibah an-Naafiýah page 33-35) under the title: Was there a minaret in the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam)?
al-Albaanee commented, I did not come across that which clearly shows that the prophetic adhaan was on the minaret, except that which preceded in the hadeeth that it was above the entrance of the masjid. So from what is apparent, is that it (the adhaan) was called upon the roof, above the entrance. And what supports this claim from that which is well-known is that Bilaal, the one who would call the prophetic adhaan on the day of Jumu'ah, had something to climb upon in order to call the adhaan.
In the Saheeh of Imaam al-Bukhaaree, al-Qaasim Ibn Muhammad narrated from 'Aa'ishah that Bilaal would call the adhaan in the night, so the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam) said, "Eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktoob calls the adhaan, surely he does not call the adhaan until the time for fajr enters."[1] al-Qaasim said, ýThere wasnýt between their adhaans except that one was rising and the other was descendingý
Then our Shaykh said in the previous book,[2] "In summary, that which I hold in this topic is that it has not been established that the minaret was known to be part of the masjid at the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam). In conclusion, the adhaan in that time was made from a raised place above the masjid, climbed upon, as mentioned previously. From that which is likely is that the climbing that was mentioned was only at the back of the masjid, and it is also likely that it was upon something that was (raised) above the back of the masjid. As comes in the hadeeth of Umm Zayd, in either two situations, that which we take to be correct, is that the minaret which is known today is not from the Sunnah in any way, however, that which is the intended meaning of it, a conveyance (call to prayer) is a legislated affair without doubt. If the conveyance (call to prayer) cannot take place except by it, then at this point, it is legislated, as is found in Usoolul-'Ilm:
If that which is waajib cannot take place without it, then it, itself, becomes obligatory, to the extent of whatýs needed.
However, my opinion is that the presence of microphones or (other) conveyance tools of today frees us from the (need for) minarets, especially since it (the minaret) is expensive (and burdensome). Its construction under these circumstances, considering it is an innovation, and having that which frees us from needing it, is not legislated. Because whatýs found in it of extravagance and wasting money, and that which shows with irrefutable proofs, that it has become something of no benefit. Verily, the muýadhineen (callers of the adhaan), never ascend it and are not in need of it because of the amplifiers.
Footnotes: [1] Al-Bukhaaree (4/110) [2] al-Ajwibah an-Naafi'ah page 33-35
Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Was there a minaret in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam)?
Our Shaykh mentioned from ash-Shaatibee (in al-Iýtisaam), and those that quote from them that the prophetic adhaan was called from the minaarah (minaret). Likewise, it was quoted similarly from Ibnul-Haaj, (in al-madkhal). However, he (Shaykh al-Albaanee - rahimahullaah) was not pleased with that statement, and he said (in al-Ajwibah an-Naafiýah page 33-35) under the title: Was there a minaret in the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam)?
al-Albaanee commented, I did not come across that which clearly shows that the prophetic adhaan was on the minaret, except that which preceded in the hadeeth that it was above the entrance of the masjid. So from what is apparent, is that it (the adhaan) was called upon the roof, above the entrance. And what supports this claim from that which is well-known is that Bilaal, the one who would call the prophetic adhaan on the day of Jumu'ah, had something to climb upon in order to call the adhaan.
In the Saheeh of Imaam al-Bukhaaree, al-Qaasim Ibn Muhammad narrated from 'Aa'ishah that Bilaal would call the adhaan in the night, so the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam) said, "Eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktoob calls the adhaan, surely he does not call the adhaan until the time for fajr enters."[1] al-Qaasim said, ýThere wasnýt between their adhaans except that one was rising and the other was descendingý
Then our Shaykh said in the previous book,[2] "In summary, that which I hold in this topic is that it has not been established that the minaret was known to be part of the masjid at the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ýalayhi wa sallam). In conclusion, the adhaan in that time was made from a raised place above the masjid, climbed upon, as mentioned previously. From that which is likely is that the climbing that was mentioned was only at the back of the masjid, and it is also likely that it was upon something that was (raised) above the back of the masjid. As comes in the hadeeth of Umm Zayd, in either two situations, that which we take to be correct, is that the minaret which is known today is not from the Sunnah in any way, however, that which is the intended meaning of it, a conveyance (call to prayer) is a legislated affair without doubt. If the conveyance (call to prayer) cannot take place except by it, then at this point, it is legislated, as is found in Usoolul-'Ilm:
If that which is waajib cannot take place without it, then it, itself, becomes obligatory, to the extent of whatýs needed.
However, my opinion is that the presence of microphones or (other) conveyance tools of today frees us from the (need for) minarets, especially since it (the minaret) is expensive (and burdensome). Its construction under these circumstances, considering it is an innovation, and having that which frees us from needing it, is not legislated. Because whatýs found in it of extravagance and wasting money, and that which shows with irrefutable proofs, that it has become something of no benefit. Verily, the muýadhineen (callers of the adhaan), never ascend it and are not in need of it because of the amplifiers.
Footnotes: [1] Al-Bukhaaree (4/110) [2] al-Ajwibah an-Naafi'ah page 33-35
Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee
Monday, December 21, 2009
Responding to Merry Christmas:
The following is a summary translation of a post taken from
Responding to Merry Christmas by Sheik Uthamin
Question: What is the ruling on congratulating the disbelievers on their Christmas celebration? And how do we respond to them if they greet us with it. And is it permissible to go to the places where they are having celebrations for that purpose. And does the person (Muslim) take a sin if he does the aforementioned without any intent? Rather he only does it being courteous, or due to shyness or due to being put in an awkward situation, or due to some other reasons. And is it permissible to resemble them in this?
Answer: Congratulating the disbelievers on their Christmas celebration or other than that from their religious holidays is not permissible according to the consensus. As was related by Ibn Al Qayim, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, in his book “The ruling on the people beneath the Muslim protection”, when he said: As for congratulating the disbelievers for their religious ceremonies that have kufr (disbelief) attached to it, then it is not permissible according to the consensus. For example congratulating them for their holidays or their fasts, so the person says, “May you have a bless holiday”, or he wishes them well for their holiday or something like that. So this, if the one who says it escapes from falling into kufr (disbelief), is(still) from the impermissible things. And it is on the same level as congratulating them for prostrating to the cross. Rather it is a greater sin with ALLAH. And it is a more severe abomination than to congratulate them for drinking alcohol and killing someone, committing illegal sexual intercourse and things of this nature. And many of the people who don’t have any deen(or respect for the deen) fall into this. And he doesn’t know the ugliness (evil) of what he has done. So whoever congratulates a person for committing sins, or innovations, or disbelief, then he has exposed himself to the hate, wrath (anger) of ALLAH. –End of the Sheik’s (Ibn Al Qayim) speech may ALLAH have mercy upon him--
(Sheik Uthamin continues)
So congratulating the disbelievers on the religious holidays is not permissible, as shown by the proof brought by Ibn Al Qayim. Because in it, (congratulating the kufar on their religious holidays) is an approval for what they are upon from their kufr ceremonies, and showing them that you are please with it. Even if the person is not pleased with the actual kufr itself, it is also not permissible for the Muslim to be pleased with kufr ceremonies, or to congratulate them for it. Because ALLAH the Exalted is not pleased with that, as ALLAH the Exalted says, “If you disbelieve, then verily, ALLAH is not in need of you, He likes not disbelief for His slaves. And if you are grateful (by being believers), He is pleased therewith for you.” (chapter 39 verse 7) And the Exalted says, “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Chapter 5 verse 3) So congratulating them with this is haram whether this person is your co worker or not.
So if they greet us with their holiday greeting we don’t respond to them with it, because it’s not our holiday, and they are holidays that ALLAH is not pleased with, and because it is something that is either innovated in their religion, or it was legislated but has since been abrogated by the deen of Islam that which Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him, was sent with to all of the creation. And He (ALLAH) says about it (Islam) “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers” (Chapter 3 verse 85)
And for the Muslim to accept their invitations to these occasions (holiday celebrations) is haram. (Impermissible) Because this is worst than congratulating them with it, because this would entail participating with them in this. Also it is haram for the Muslim to imitate the disbelievers by establishing celebrations for these occasions, or to exchanges gifts, or to distribute sweets, or trays of food, or to stop work or anything like this. Due to the statement of the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, “Whoever imitates a people is from them”. Sheik of Islam Ibn Taymia said in his book, Follow the straight path and oppose the path to the fire,“Imitating them in some of their celebration causes happiness in their hearts for what they are upon from false hood. And it is possible that this might encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity to humiliate the weak minded”. –End of his (Sheik Ibn Taymia) speech. May ALLAH have mercy upon him.
And whoever does anything from this is a sinner. And it is the same whether he did it being courteous, or seeking friendship, or due to shyness, or any other reason, because this is from being deceitful in the deen of ALLAH. And this is from the reasons that reinforce the psyche of the disbelievers and to make them proud of their deen.
Responding to Merry Christmas by Sheik Uthamin
Question: What is the ruling on congratulating the disbelievers on their Christmas celebration? And how do we respond to them if they greet us with it. And is it permissible to go to the places where they are having celebrations for that purpose. And does the person (Muslim) take a sin if he does the aforementioned without any intent? Rather he only does it being courteous, or due to shyness or due to being put in an awkward situation, or due to some other reasons. And is it permissible to resemble them in this?
Answer: Congratulating the disbelievers on their Christmas celebration or other than that from their religious holidays is not permissible according to the consensus. As was related by Ibn Al Qayim, may ALLAH have mercy upon him, in his book “The ruling on the people beneath the Muslim protection”, when he said: As for congratulating the disbelievers for their religious ceremonies that have kufr (disbelief) attached to it, then it is not permissible according to the consensus. For example congratulating them for their holidays or their fasts, so the person says, “May you have a bless holiday”, or he wishes them well for their holiday or something like that. So this, if the one who says it escapes from falling into kufr (disbelief), is(still) from the impermissible things. And it is on the same level as congratulating them for prostrating to the cross. Rather it is a greater sin with ALLAH. And it is a more severe abomination than to congratulate them for drinking alcohol and killing someone, committing illegal sexual intercourse and things of this nature. And many of the people who don’t have any deen(or respect for the deen) fall into this. And he doesn’t know the ugliness (evil) of what he has done. So whoever congratulates a person for committing sins, or innovations, or disbelief, then he has exposed himself to the hate, wrath (anger) of ALLAH. –End of the Sheik’s (Ibn Al Qayim) speech may ALLAH have mercy upon him--
(Sheik Uthamin continues)
So congratulating the disbelievers on the religious holidays is not permissible, as shown by the proof brought by Ibn Al Qayim. Because in it, (congratulating the kufar on their religious holidays) is an approval for what they are upon from their kufr ceremonies, and showing them that you are please with it. Even if the person is not pleased with the actual kufr itself, it is also not permissible for the Muslim to be pleased with kufr ceremonies, or to congratulate them for it. Because ALLAH the Exalted is not pleased with that, as ALLAH the Exalted says, “If you disbelieve, then verily, ALLAH is not in need of you, He likes not disbelief for His slaves. And if you are grateful (by being believers), He is pleased therewith for you.” (chapter 39 verse 7) And the Exalted says, “This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” (Chapter 5 verse 3) So congratulating them with this is haram whether this person is your co worker or not.
So if they greet us with their holiday greeting we don’t respond to them with it, because it’s not our holiday, and they are holidays that ALLAH is not pleased with, and because it is something that is either innovated in their religion, or it was legislated but has since been abrogated by the deen of Islam that which Muhammad peace and blessing be upon him, was sent with to all of the creation. And He (ALLAH) says about it (Islam) “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers” (Chapter 3 verse 85)
And for the Muslim to accept their invitations to these occasions (holiday celebrations) is haram. (Impermissible) Because this is worst than congratulating them with it, because this would entail participating with them in this. Also it is haram for the Muslim to imitate the disbelievers by establishing celebrations for these occasions, or to exchanges gifts, or to distribute sweets, or trays of food, or to stop work or anything like this. Due to the statement of the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, “Whoever imitates a people is from them”. Sheik of Islam Ibn Taymia said in his book, Follow the straight path and oppose the path to the fire,“Imitating them in some of their celebration causes happiness in their hearts for what they are upon from false hood. And it is possible that this might encourage them to take advantage of this opportunity to humiliate the weak minded”. –End of his (Sheik Ibn Taymia) speech. May ALLAH have mercy upon him.
And whoever does anything from this is a sinner. And it is the same whether he did it being courteous, or seeking friendship, or due to shyness, or any other reason, because this is from being deceitful in the deen of ALLAH. And this is from the reasons that reinforce the psyche of the disbelievers and to make them proud of their deen.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Is the Religion of Islam True or False?
Three important questions which allow a person to see if the religion is correct or incorrect.
If we compare the life of the last prophet before his mission as a prophet to his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that the last prophet was a false prophet, who claimed prophet-hood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.
If we would like to know whether a religion is true or false, we should not depend on our emotions, feelings, or traditions. Rather, we should depend on our reason and intellect. When God sent the prophets, He supported them with miracles and evidences which proved that they were truly prophets send by God and that the religion they came with was true.
The true religion can be found by answering three questions:
1. What is truly the literal word of God, revealed by God?
2. Who was truly the last prophet sent by God?
3. What truly is the religion from God?
1. What is truly the literal word of God, revealed by God?
The literal word of God, revealed by God was revealed 14 centuries ago. It mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. It is beyond reason that anyone fourteen hundred years ago would have known these facts discovered or proven only recently with advanced equipment and sophisticated scientific methods.
Since the literal word of God was revealed by God, no one has been able to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the literal word of God in their beauty, eloquence, splendor, wise legislation, true information, true prophecy and other perfect attributes. The smallest chapter in the literal word of God is only ten words, yet no one has ever been able to meet a challenge to produce the like of it, then (1400 years ago) or today.
The verses in the literal word of God mention future events which have later come to pass.
The literal word of God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. How could anyone have possibly known these stages 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered these stages using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist 1400 years ago.
The literal word of God describes the structure of mountains that modern geology has only recently confirmed.
The literal word of God mentions the origin of the universe. Someone who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not be in a position to find out from his own mind that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.
The literal word of God describes the cerebrum. Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last 60 years.
The literal word of God describes the barrier between the seas and rivers. This information has been discovered only recently, using advanced equipment. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet nor the division of water in estuaries.
The literal word of God describes the structure of clouds that meteorologists and scientists have only recently come to know. Their modern ideas on meteorology were dominant 14 centuries ago when the literal word of God was revealed.
2. Who was truly the last prophet sent by God?
When God challenged those in doubt, to produce one chapter like the chapters in the literal word of God. Some of the disbelievers who were enemies of the last prophet tried to meet this challenge in order to prove that this prophet was not a true prophet, but they failed to do so.
This failure was despite the fact that the literal word of God was revealed in their own language and dialect. In addition, the people at the time of the last prophet were very eloquent people who used to compose beautiful and excellent poetry, still read and appreciated today.
Many miracles were performed by the last prophet by God's permission. These miracles were witnessed by many people.
Before his mission as a prophet, the last prophet had no financial worries. As a successful and reputed merchant, the last prophet drew a satisfactory and comfortable income.
After his mission as a prophet and because of it, he became worse off materially. Two months would pass without lighting a fire in his house to cook a meal, with nothing to sustain him but dates and water.
His mattress on which he slept was made of leather and stuffed with the fiber of the date palm tree. He used to milk his own goat, mend his own clothes, repair his own shoes, help with the household work, and visit poor people when they got sick.
An envoy of the disbelieving leaders offered him money to be the richest, leadership to be the leader, and a kingdom to be a king and the last prophet refused it all.
If we compare the life of the last prophet before his mission as a prophet to his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that the last prophet was a false prophet, who claimed prophet-hood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.
3. What truly is the religion from God?
The true religion from God must contain as it's pillars the literal word of God and the last true prophet. Therefore, we must seek the religion that stands on these pillars.
The only religion available today that stands on these pillars "Is the fasted growing religion in America. It's a guide and a pillar of stability for many of America's people." - Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"The followers of this religion are the world's fastest growing group." - USA Today
"This religion is the fastest growing religion in the country." - Newsday
"This religion is the fastest growing religion in the United States." - New York Times
This phenomenal growth indicates that this religion is truly a religion from God. It is unreasonable to think that so many Americans converted to this religion without careful consideration and deep contemplation before concluding that this religion is true. These Americans come from all classes, races and walks of life. They include scientists, professors, philosophers, journalists, song artists, athletic stars, pastors, ministers, members of the armed forces just to name a few. SOURCE:ISLAAM.CA
If we compare the life of the last prophet before his mission as a prophet to his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that the last prophet was a false prophet, who claimed prophet-hood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.
If we would like to know whether a religion is true or false, we should not depend on our emotions, feelings, or traditions. Rather, we should depend on our reason and intellect. When God sent the prophets, He supported them with miracles and evidences which proved that they were truly prophets send by God and that the religion they came with was true.
The true religion can be found by answering three questions:
1. What is truly the literal word of God, revealed by God?
2. Who was truly the last prophet sent by God?
3. What truly is the religion from God?
1. What is truly the literal word of God, revealed by God?
The literal word of God, revealed by God was revealed 14 centuries ago. It mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists. It is beyond reason that anyone fourteen hundred years ago would have known these facts discovered or proven only recently with advanced equipment and sophisticated scientific methods.
Since the literal word of God was revealed by God, no one has been able to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the literal word of God in their beauty, eloquence, splendor, wise legislation, true information, true prophecy and other perfect attributes. The smallest chapter in the literal word of God is only ten words, yet no one has ever been able to meet a challenge to produce the like of it, then (1400 years ago) or today.
The verses in the literal word of God mention future events which have later come to pass.
The literal word of God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. How could anyone have possibly known these stages 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered these stages using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist 1400 years ago.
The literal word of God describes the structure of mountains that modern geology has only recently confirmed.
The literal word of God mentions the origin of the universe. Someone who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not be in a position to find out from his own mind that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.
The literal word of God describes the cerebrum. Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last 60 years.
The literal word of God describes the barrier between the seas and rivers. This information has been discovered only recently, using advanced equipment. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet nor the division of water in estuaries.
The literal word of God describes the structure of clouds that meteorologists and scientists have only recently come to know. Their modern ideas on meteorology were dominant 14 centuries ago when the literal word of God was revealed.
2. Who was truly the last prophet sent by God?
When God challenged those in doubt, to produce one chapter like the chapters in the literal word of God. Some of the disbelievers who were enemies of the last prophet tried to meet this challenge in order to prove that this prophet was not a true prophet, but they failed to do so.
This failure was despite the fact that the literal word of God was revealed in their own language and dialect. In addition, the people at the time of the last prophet were very eloquent people who used to compose beautiful and excellent poetry, still read and appreciated today.
Many miracles were performed by the last prophet by God's permission. These miracles were witnessed by many people.
Before his mission as a prophet, the last prophet had no financial worries. As a successful and reputed merchant, the last prophet drew a satisfactory and comfortable income.
After his mission as a prophet and because of it, he became worse off materially. Two months would pass without lighting a fire in his house to cook a meal, with nothing to sustain him but dates and water.
His mattress on which he slept was made of leather and stuffed with the fiber of the date palm tree. He used to milk his own goat, mend his own clothes, repair his own shoes, help with the household work, and visit poor people when they got sick.
An envoy of the disbelieving leaders offered him money to be the richest, leadership to be the leader, and a kingdom to be a king and the last prophet refused it all.
If we compare the life of the last prophet before his mission as a prophet to his life after he began his mission as a prophet, we will conclude that it is beyond reason to think that the last prophet was a false prophet, who claimed prophet-hood to attain material gains, greatness, glory, or power.
3. What truly is the religion from God?
The true religion from God must contain as it's pillars the literal word of God and the last true prophet. Therefore, we must seek the religion that stands on these pillars.
The only religion available today that stands on these pillars "Is the fasted growing religion in America. It's a guide and a pillar of stability for many of America's people." - Hillary Rodham Clinton.
"The followers of this religion are the world's fastest growing group." - USA Today
"This religion is the fastest growing religion in the country." - Newsday
"This religion is the fastest growing religion in the United States." - New York Times
This phenomenal growth indicates that this religion is truly a religion from God. It is unreasonable to think that so many Americans converted to this religion without careful consideration and deep contemplation before concluding that this religion is true. These Americans come from all classes, races and walks of life. They include scientists, professors, philosophers, journalists, song artists, athletic stars, pastors, ministers, members of the armed forces just to name a few. SOURCE:ISLAAM.CA
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Educating Children about Evils of Terrorism
With recent media coverage re terrorists and their plots I have posted excerpts from the advice of Shaykh Abu Umar al-Utaybi [hathidahullah]with regards to educating our children with regards to these affairs, so they have the correct outlook and do not feel sorrow for the capture or imprisonment of these people.
And remind for Verily a reminder benefits the Believer] (51:55)
From the Shaykhs speech: quote:
Each of you is a shepherd and each is responsible for his flock.
The leader is the shepherd and responsible for his flock.
A man is a shepherd over his family and responsible for his flock.
A woman is a shepherd at her husbandýs home and responsible for her flock.
A servant is a shepherd over the property of his landlord and responsible for his flock.
And a man is a shepherd over the property of his father and responsible for his flock.
So, each of you is a shepherd and responsible and will be questioned about his flock.1
Hatred for Terrorism & the Terrorists
One of the issues we are required to do is raise our children, cultivating within them abhorrence for terrorism and terrorists;exposing them, their plots, and their patterns.
And we must isolate our children from them and distance children from following their way and objective.
Also, they are advised to be glad when terrorists, even one of them, are stopped (arrested, etc.) and put away. Children should be taught that by even one terrorist's arrest or being stopped, this is a victory for Islam and Muslims; it is a relief and comfort to Muslims without the evil of such a destructive terrorist.
They are certainly days of happiness and joy when we hear of a terrorist's plot being exposed or a terrorist's crime prevented, or even if capital punishment is carried out upon a criminal terrorist.
We must neither display nor feel sympathy for terrorists when they are defeated so that our children see no contradicting behavior nor give terrorists the benefit of doubt.
And if they ever do see someone displaying any type of grief over the death of a terrorist, then it should be explained that such may be sadness in the sense remorse over their situation; how Satan deceived and destroyed them, and not in a sense of liking the terrorists.
Terrorist acts are to be taken very seriously (when discussing them with children) and treated with firm resolve and strictness as should the terrorists themselves. This is so that those who don't yet know the truth about them donýt begin to sympathize with them.
It's the obligation of every Muslim and to protect himself and those under his care from any means that could lead to extremism, intolerance, and terrorism. AllAh [subhanahu wa t'ala] says:
Oh believers, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are (appointed) angels, harsh and severe. They don't disobey Allah in what He commands them, but do (everything) they are instructed.
[Surah al-Tahrim, verse 66:06]
I ask Allah to shelter us and our children from extremism and corruption and to make them righteous people encouraging others to righteousness.
And Allah knows best.
May Allah send peace and prayers upon our prophet, Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi was sallam]
1. Recorded by al-Bukhari (no. 893), Muslim (no. 1829), al-Tirmidhi (no. 1705), Abu Dawud (no.2928, and others.
The full article an be found here at
And remind for Verily a reminder benefits the Believer] (51:55)
From the Shaykhs speech: quote:
Each of you is a shepherd and each is responsible for his flock.
The leader is the shepherd and responsible for his flock.
A man is a shepherd over his family and responsible for his flock.
A woman is a shepherd at her husbandýs home and responsible for her flock.
A servant is a shepherd over the property of his landlord and responsible for his flock.
And a man is a shepherd over the property of his father and responsible for his flock.
So, each of you is a shepherd and responsible and will be questioned about his flock.1
Hatred for Terrorism & the Terrorists
One of the issues we are required to do is raise our children, cultivating within them abhorrence for terrorism and terrorists;exposing them, their plots, and their patterns.
And we must isolate our children from them and distance children from following their way and objective.
Also, they are advised to be glad when terrorists, even one of them, are stopped (arrested, etc.) and put away. Children should be taught that by even one terrorist's arrest or being stopped, this is a victory for Islam and Muslims; it is a relief and comfort to Muslims without the evil of such a destructive terrorist.
They are certainly days of happiness and joy when we hear of a terrorist's plot being exposed or a terrorist's crime prevented, or even if capital punishment is carried out upon a criminal terrorist.
We must neither display nor feel sympathy for terrorists when they are defeated so that our children see no contradicting behavior nor give terrorists the benefit of doubt.
And if they ever do see someone displaying any type of grief over the death of a terrorist, then it should be explained that such may be sadness in the sense remorse over their situation; how Satan deceived and destroyed them, and not in a sense of liking the terrorists.
Terrorist acts are to be taken very seriously (when discussing them with children) and treated with firm resolve and strictness as should the terrorists themselves. This is so that those who don't yet know the truth about them donýt begin to sympathize with them.
It's the obligation of every Muslim and to protect himself and those under his care from any means that could lead to extremism, intolerance, and terrorism. AllAh [subhanahu wa t'ala] says:
Oh believers, save yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones, over which are (appointed) angels, harsh and severe. They don't disobey Allah in what He commands them, but do (everything) they are instructed.
[Surah al-Tahrim, verse 66:06]
I ask Allah to shelter us and our children from extremism and corruption and to make them righteous people encouraging others to righteousness.
And Allah knows best.
May Allah send peace and prayers upon our prophet, Muhammad [sallallahu alaihi was sallam]
1. Recorded by al-Bukhari (no. 893), Muslim (no. 1829), al-Tirmidhi (no. 1705), Abu Dawud (no.2928, and others.
The full article an be found here at
Thursday, December 10, 2009
the difficult circumstances Yusuf faced at the time when he was being called to the evil act of Zinaa.
Imaam Sadi (rahimahullaah) mentioned :
[1] Firstly; Allaah has placed in man's nature an inclination towards a woman, just like the inclination of a thirsty person towards water and that of a hungry person towards food. And even though many people do exercise patience with regards to their (desire) for food and drink, but not with regards to their (desire) for women. This is not (something) blameworthy if it is in accordance with what is permissible, rather it is something praiseworthy.
[2] Yusuf (at the time) was a young man, and the sexual desire of a young man is much stronger.
[3] He was a bachelor.
[4] He was a slave of the Azeez's wife and was bought for a few dirhams. And a slave has no control over his affairs.
[5] He was a stranger in the land; a stranger in a strange land can fulfil desires, which he is not able to fulfil in his own land and in the presence of his family and those who know him well.
[6] The wife of the Azeez was a woman of high status and beauty; so one these two (affairs) calls one to agree with her request.
[7] The wife of the Azeez was not inaccessible.
[8] She sought after Yusuf; she desired him and was infatuated with him. Many many men become filled with vanity/pride when a woman (merely) waves or winks at them.
[9] Yusuf was living in her house. He was under her authority and would have feared being harmed for refusing to obey her in what she was calling him to.
[10] Yusuf was safe from being exposed; because she sought after him and locked the doors.
[11] She also appeared in her best adornment and said to Yusuf, 'Come on O you!'
[12] She also threatened Yusuf with imprisonment and belittlement.
[13] She sought the assistance of the rest of the women and Yusuf sought the assistance of Allaah against them. He said:
'Unless You (Allaah) turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those who do deeds) of the ignorant' [Surah Yusuf; Ayah: 33]
Despite all these difficult circumstances surrounding Yusuf (alayhis-salaam), he exercised patience and preferred obedience to his Lord. He preferred the pleasure of Allaah and fear of Him. His love of Allaah made him choose imprisonment over committing adultery. He said:
'He said: 'O my Lord! Prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me.' [Surah Yusuf; Ayah: 33]
Yusuf knew that he could not avert what they were calling him to; and that if his Lord does not protect him and avert the plot of those women, he will be inclined towards them and become of the ignorant ones. This is from Yusuf's perfect knowledge about his Lord and himself.
[1] Firstly; Allaah has placed in man's nature an inclination towards a woman, just like the inclination of a thirsty person towards water and that of a hungry person towards food. And even though many people do exercise patience with regards to their (desire) for food and drink, but not with regards to their (desire) for women. This is not (something) blameworthy if it is in accordance with what is permissible, rather it is something praiseworthy.
[2] Yusuf (at the time) was a young man, and the sexual desire of a young man is much stronger.
[3] He was a bachelor.
[4] He was a slave of the Azeez's wife and was bought for a few dirhams. And a slave has no control over his affairs.
[5] He was a stranger in the land; a stranger in a strange land can fulfil desires, which he is not able to fulfil in his own land and in the presence of his family and those who know him well.
[6] The wife of the Azeez was a woman of high status and beauty; so one these two (affairs) calls one to agree with her request.
[7] The wife of the Azeez was not inaccessible.
[8] She sought after Yusuf; she desired him and was infatuated with him. Many many men become filled with vanity/pride when a woman (merely) waves or winks at them.
[9] Yusuf was living in her house. He was under her authority and would have feared being harmed for refusing to obey her in what she was calling him to.
[10] Yusuf was safe from being exposed; because she sought after him and locked the doors.
[11] She also appeared in her best adornment and said to Yusuf, 'Come on O you!'
[12] She also threatened Yusuf with imprisonment and belittlement.
[13] She sought the assistance of the rest of the women and Yusuf sought the assistance of Allaah against them. He said:
'Unless You (Allaah) turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those who do deeds) of the ignorant' [Surah Yusuf; Ayah: 33]
Despite all these difficult circumstances surrounding Yusuf (alayhis-salaam), he exercised patience and preferred obedience to his Lord. He preferred the pleasure of Allaah and fear of Him. His love of Allaah made him choose imprisonment over committing adultery. He said:
'He said: 'O my Lord! Prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me.' [Surah Yusuf; Ayah: 33]
Yusuf knew that he could not avert what they were calling him to; and that if his Lord does not protect him and avert the plot of those women, he will be inclined towards them and become of the ignorant ones. This is from Yusuf's perfect knowledge about his Lord and himself.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Orientalism, Misinformation and Islam :
Any open-minded person embarking on a study of Islam, especially if using books written in European languages, should be aware of the seemingly inherent distortions that permeate almost all non-Muslim writings on Islam. At least since the Middle Ages, Islam has been much maligned and severely misunderstood in the West. In the last years of the Twentieth Century, it does not seem that much has changed—even though most Muslims would agree that progress is being made.
I feel that an elegant summary of the West's ignorance of Islam and the motives of Orientalism are the following words by the Swiss journalist and author, Roger Du Pasquier: "The West, whether Christian or dechristianised, has never really known Islam. Ever since they watched it appear on the world stage, Christians never ceased to insult and slander it in order to find justification for waging war on it. It has been subjected to grotesque distortions the traces of which still endure in the European mind. Even today there are many Westerners for whom Islam can be reduced to three ideas: fanaticism, fatalism and polygamy. Of course, there does exist a more cultivated public whose ideas about Islam are less deformed; there are still precious few who know that the word islam signifies nothing other than 'submission to God'. One symptom of this ignorance is the fact that in the imagination of most Europeans, Allaah refers to the divinity of the Muslims, not the God of the Christians and Jews; they are all surprised to hear, when one takes the trouble to explain things to them, that 'Allaah' means 'God', and that even Arab Christians know him by no other name.
Islam has of course been the object of studies by Western orientalists who, over the last two centuries, have published an extensive learned literature on the subject. Nevertheless, however worthy their labours may have been, particularly in the historical and and philological fields, they have contributed little to a better understanding of the Muslim religion in the Christian or post-Christian milieu, simply because they have failed to arouse much interest outside their specialised academic circles. One is forced also to concede that Orientals studies in the West have not always been inspired by the purest spirit of scholarly impartiality, and it is hard to deny that some Islamicists and Arabists have worked with the clear intention of belittling Islam and its adherents. This tendency was particularly marked—for obvious reasons—in the heyday of the colonial empires, but it would be an exaggeration to claim that it has vanished without trace.
These are some of the reasons why Islam remains even today so misjudged by the West, where curiously enough, Asiatic faiths such as Buddhism and Hinduism have for more than a century generated far more visible sympathy and interest, even though Islam is so close to Judaism and Christianity, having flowed from the same Abrahamic source. Despite this, however, for several years it has seemed that external conditions, particularly the growing importance of the Arab-Islamic countries in the world's great political and economic affairs, have served to arouse a growing interest of Islam in the West, resulting—for some—in the discovery of new and hitherto unsuspected horizons." (From Unveiling Islam, by Roger Du Pasquier, pages 5-7) The feeling that there is a general ignorance of Islam in the West is shared by Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor, who writes: "When one mentions Islam to the materialist atheist, he smiles with a complacency that is only equal to his ignorance of the subject. In common with the majority of Western intellectuals, of whatever religious persuasion, he has an impressive collection of false notions about Islam. One must, on this point, allow him one or two excuses. Firstly, apart from the newly-adopted attitudes prevailing among the highest Catholic authorities, Islam has always been subject in the West to a so-called 'secular slander'. Anyone in the West who has acquired a deep knowledge of Islam knows just to what extent its history, dogma and aims have been distorted. One must also take into account that fact that documents published in European languages on this subject (leaving aside highly specialised studies) do not make the work of a person willing to learn any easier." (From The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, by Maurice Bucaille, page 118)
The phenomenon which is generally known as Orientalism is but one aspect of Western misrepresentations of Islam. Today, most Muslims in the West would probably agree that the largest volume of distorted information about Islam comes from the media, whether in newspapers, magazines or on television. In terms of the number of people who are reached by such information, the mass media certainly has more of a widespread impact on the West's view of Islam than do the academic publications of "Orientalists", "Arabists" or "Islamicists". Speaking of labels, in recent years the academic field of what used to be called "Orientalism" has been renamed "Area Studies" or "Regional Studies", in most colleges and universities in the West. These politically correct terms have taken the place of the word "Orientalism" in scholarly circles since the latter word is now tainted with a negative imperialist connotation, in a large measure due to the Orientalists themselves. However, even though the works of scholars who pursue these fields do not reach the public at large, they do often fall into the hands of students and those who are personally interested in learning more about Islam. As such, any student of Islam—especially those in the West—need to be aware of the historical phenomenon of Orientalism, both as an academic pursuit and as a means of cultural exploitation. When used by Muslims, the word "Orientalist" generally refers to any Western scholar who studies Islam—regardless of his or her motives—and thus, inevitably, distorts it. As we shall see, however, the phenomenon of Orientalism is much more than an academic pursuit. Edward Said, a renowned Arab Christian scholar and author of several books exposing shortcomings of the Orientalist approach, defines "Orientalism" as follows: " . . . by Orientalism I mean several things, all of them, in my opinion, interdependent. The most readily accepted designation of for Orientalism is an academic one, and indeed, and indeed the label still serves in a number of academic institutions. Anyone who teaches, writes about, or researches the Orient—and this applies whether the person is an anthropologist, sociologist, historian, or philogist—either in its specific or its general aspects, is an Orientalist, and what he or she does is Orientalism." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 2)
"To speak of Orientalism therefore is to speak mainly, although not exclusively, of a British and French cultural enterprise, a project whose dimensions take in such disparate realms as the imagination itself, the whole of India and the Levant, the Biblical texts and the Biblical lands, the spice trade, colonial armies and a long tradition of colonial administrators, a formidable scholarly corpus, innumerable Oriental "experts" and "hands", an Oriental professorate, a complex array of "Oriental" ideas (Oriental despotism, Oriental splendor, cruelty, sensuality), many Eastern sects, philosophies, and wisdoms domesticated for local European use—the list can be extended more or less indefinitely." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 4) As is the case with many things, being aware of the problem is half the battle. Once a sincere seeker of the Truth is aware of the long standing misunderstanding and hostility between Islam and the West—and learns not to trust everything which they see in print—authentic knowledge and information can be obtained much more quickly. Certainly, not all Western writings on Islam have the same degree of bias—they run the range from willful distortion to simple ignorance—and there are even a few that could be classified as sincere efforts by non-Muslims to portray Islam in a positive light. However, even most of these works are plagued by seemingly unintentional errors, however minor, due to the author's lack of Islamic knowledge. In the spirit of fairness, it should be said that even some contemporary books on Islam by Muslim authors suffer from these same shortcomings, usually due to a lack of knowledge, heretical ideas and or depending on non-Muslim sources.
This having been said, it should come as no surprise that learning about Islam in the West—especially when relying on works in European languages—has never been an easy task. Just a few decades ago, an English speaking person who was interested in Islam, and wishing to limit their reading to works by Muslim authors, might have been limited to reading a translation of the Qur'an, a few translated hadeeth books and a few dozen pamphlet-sized essays. However, in the past several years the widespread availability of Islamic books—written by believing and committed Muslims—and the advent of the Internet have made obtaining authentic information on almost any aspect of Islam much easier. Today, hardly a week goes by that an English translation of a classical Islamic work is not announced. Keeping this in mind, I would encourage the reader to consult books written by Muslim authors when trying to learn about Islam. There are a wide range of Islamic book distributors that can be contacted through the Internet.
Moving on to a more detailed look at the West's distorted view of Islam in general and Orientalism in particular . . . Edward Said, the Arab Christian author of the monumental work Orientalism, accurately referred to Orientalism a "cultural enterprise". This is certainly no distortion, since the academic study of the Oriental East by the Occidental West was often motivated—and often co-operated hand-in-hand— with the imperialistic aims of the European colonial powers. Without a doubt, the foundations of Orientalism are in the maxim "Know thy enemy". When the "Christian Nations" of Europe began their long campaign to colonize and conquer the rest of the world for their own benefit, they brought their academic and missionary resources to bear in order to assist in the task. Orientalists and missionaries—whose ranks often overlapped—were more often than not the servants of an imperialist government who was using their services as a way to subdue or weaken an enemy, however subtly: "With regard to Islam and the Islamic territories, for example, Britain felt that it had legitimate interests, as a Christian power, to safeguard. A complex apparatus for tending these interests developed. Such early organizations as the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (1698) and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (1701) were succeeded and later abetted by the Baptist Missionary Society (1792), the Church Missionary Society (1799), the British and Foreign Bible Society (1804), the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews (1808). These missions "openly" joined the expansion of Europe." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 100) Anyone who has studied the subject knows that Christian missionaries were willing participants in European imperialism, regardless of the pure motives or naïveté of some of the individual missionaries. Actually, quite a few Orientalist scholars were Christian missionaries. One notable example is Sir William Muir, who was an active missionary and author of several books on Islam. His books were very biased and narrow-minded studies, but they continue to be used as references for those wishing to attack Islam to this very day. That Christians were the source of some of the worst lies and distortions about Islam should come as no surprise, since Islam was its main "competitor" on the stage of World Religions. Far from honouring the commandment not to bear false witness against one's neighbour, Christians distortions—and outright lies—about Islam were widespread, as the following shows: "The history of Orientalism is hardly one of unbiased examination of the sources of Islam especially when under the influence of the bigotry of Christianity. From the fanatical distortions of John of Damascus to the apologetic of later writers against Islam that told their audiences that the Muslims worshipped three idols! Peter the Venerable (1084-1156) "translated" the Qur'an which was used throughout the Middle Ages and included nine additional chapters. Sale's infamously distorted translation followed that trend, and his, along with the likes of Rodwell, Muir and a multitude of others attacked the character and personality of Muhammmed. Often they employed invented stories, or narration's which the Muslims themselves considered fabricated or weak, or else they distorted the facts by claiming Muslims held a position which they did not, or using the habits practised out of ignorance among the Muslims as the accurate portrayal of Islam. As Norman Daniel tell us in his work Islam and the West: "The use of false evidence to attack Islam was all but universal . . . " (p. 267)." (From An Authoritative Exposition - Part 1, by 'Abdur-Raheem Green) There is a great deal of proof that one could use to demonstrate that when it came to attacking Islam, even the Roman Catholic Church would readily embrace almost any untruth. Here's an example: "At a certain period in history, hostility to Islam, in whatever shape or form, even coming from declared enemies of the church, was received with the most heartfelt approbation by high dignitaries of the Catholic Church. Thus Pope Benedict XIV, who is reputed to have been the greatest Pontiff of the Eighteenth century, unhesitatingly sent his blessing to Voltaire. This was in thanks for the dedication to him of the tragedy Mohammed or Fanaticism (Mahomet ou le Fanatisme) 1741, a coarse satire that any clever scribbler of bad faith could have written on any subject. In spite of a bad start, the play gained sufficient prestige to be included in the repertoire of the Comédie-Française." (From The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, by Maurice Bucaille, page 118)
The dedicated enemy of the church, referred to above, was the French philosopher Voltaire. For an example of what he thought of at least one Christian doctrine, read his Anti-Trinitarians tract. Also, the above passage introduces a point that one should be well aware of: the distortions and lies about Islam throughout the ages in Europe were not been limited to a small number of scholars and clergy. On the contrary, they were part of popular culture at the time: "The European imagination was nourished extensively from this repertoire [of Oriental images]: between the Middle Ages and the eighteenth century such major authors as Ariosto, Milton, Marlowe, Tasso, Shakespeare, Cervantes, and the authors of the Chanson de Roland and the Poema del Cid drew on the Orient's riches for their productions, in ways that sharpened that outlines of imagery, ideas, and figures populating it. In addition, a great deal of what was considered learned Orientalist scholarship in Europe pressed ideological myths into service, even as knowledge seemed genuinely to be advancing." (From Orientalism, by Edward Said, page 63)
"The invariable tendency to neglect what the Qur'an meant, or what Muslims thought it meant, or what Muslims thought or did in any given circumstances, necessarily implies that Qur'anic and other Islamic doctrine was presented in a form that would convince Christians; and more and more extravagant forms would stand a chance of acceptance as the distance of the writers and public from the Islamic border increased. It was with very great reluctance that what Muslims said Muslims believed was accepted as what they did believe. There was a Christian picture in which the details (even under the pressure of facts) were abandoned as little as possible, and in which the general outline was never abandoned. There were shades of difference, but only with a common framework. All the corrections that were made in the interests of an increasing accuracy were only a defence of what had newly realised to be vulnerable, a shoring up of a weakened structure. Christian opinion was an erection which could not be demolished, even to be rebuilt." (From Islam and the West: The Making of an Image, by Norman Daniel, page 259-260) Edward Said, in his classic work Orientalism, referring to the above passage by Norman Daniel, says: "This rigorous Christian picture of Islam was intensified in innumerable ways, including—during the Middle Ages and early Renaissance—a large variety of poetry, learned controversy, and popular superstition. By this time the Near Orient had been all but incorporated in the common world-picture of Latin Christianity—as in the Chanson de Roland the worship of Saracens is portrayed as embracing Mahomet and Apollo. By the middle of the fifteenth century, as R. W. Southern has brilliantly shown, it became apparent to serious European thinkers "that something would have to be done about Islam," which had turned the situation around somewhat by itself arriving militarily in Eastern Europe." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 61)
"Most conspicuous to us is the inability of any of these systems of thought [European Christian] to provide a fully satisfying explanation of the phenomenon they had set out to explain [Islam]—still less to influence the course of practical events in a decisive way. At a practical level, events never turned out either so well or so ill as the most intelligent observers predicted: and it is perhaps worth noticing that they never turned out better than when the best judges confidently expected a happy ending. Was there any progress [in Christian knowledge of Islam]? I must express my conviction that there was. Even if the solutions of the problem remained obstinately hidden from sight, the statement of the problem became more complex, more rational, and more related to experience." (From Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages, by R. W. Southern, pages 91-92) Regardless of the flawed, biased—and even devious—approach of many Orientalists, they too can have their moments of candour, as Roger DuPasquier points out: "In general one must unhappily concur with an Orientalist like Montgomery Watt when he writes that 'of all the great men of the world, no-one has had as many detractors as Muhammad.' Having engaged in a lengthy study of the life and work of the Prophet, the British Arabist add that 'it is hard to understand why this has been the case', finding the only plausible explanation in the fact that for centuries Christianity treated Islam as its worst enemy. And although Europeans today look at Islam and its founder in a somewhat more objective light, 'many ancient prejudices still remain.'" (From Unveiling Islam, by Roger Du Pasquier, page 47 - quoting from W. M. Watt's Muhammad at Medina, Oxford University Press) source:
I feel that an elegant summary of the West's ignorance of Islam and the motives of Orientalism are the following words by the Swiss journalist and author, Roger Du Pasquier: "The West, whether Christian or dechristianised, has never really known Islam. Ever since they watched it appear on the world stage, Christians never ceased to insult and slander it in order to find justification for waging war on it. It has been subjected to grotesque distortions the traces of which still endure in the European mind. Even today there are many Westerners for whom Islam can be reduced to three ideas: fanaticism, fatalism and polygamy. Of course, there does exist a more cultivated public whose ideas about Islam are less deformed; there are still precious few who know that the word islam signifies nothing other than 'submission to God'. One symptom of this ignorance is the fact that in the imagination of most Europeans, Allaah refers to the divinity of the Muslims, not the God of the Christians and Jews; they are all surprised to hear, when one takes the trouble to explain things to them, that 'Allaah' means 'God', and that even Arab Christians know him by no other name.
Islam has of course been the object of studies by Western orientalists who, over the last two centuries, have published an extensive learned literature on the subject. Nevertheless, however worthy their labours may have been, particularly in the historical and and philological fields, they have contributed little to a better understanding of the Muslim religion in the Christian or post-Christian milieu, simply because they have failed to arouse much interest outside their specialised academic circles. One is forced also to concede that Orientals studies in the West have not always been inspired by the purest spirit of scholarly impartiality, and it is hard to deny that some Islamicists and Arabists have worked with the clear intention of belittling Islam and its adherents. This tendency was particularly marked—for obvious reasons—in the heyday of the colonial empires, but it would be an exaggeration to claim that it has vanished without trace.
These are some of the reasons why Islam remains even today so misjudged by the West, where curiously enough, Asiatic faiths such as Buddhism and Hinduism have for more than a century generated far more visible sympathy and interest, even though Islam is so close to Judaism and Christianity, having flowed from the same Abrahamic source. Despite this, however, for several years it has seemed that external conditions, particularly the growing importance of the Arab-Islamic countries in the world's great political and economic affairs, have served to arouse a growing interest of Islam in the West, resulting—for some—in the discovery of new and hitherto unsuspected horizons." (From Unveiling Islam, by Roger Du Pasquier, pages 5-7) The feeling that there is a general ignorance of Islam in the West is shared by Maurice Bucaille, a French doctor, who writes: "When one mentions Islam to the materialist atheist, he smiles with a complacency that is only equal to his ignorance of the subject. In common with the majority of Western intellectuals, of whatever religious persuasion, he has an impressive collection of false notions about Islam. One must, on this point, allow him one or two excuses. Firstly, apart from the newly-adopted attitudes prevailing among the highest Catholic authorities, Islam has always been subject in the West to a so-called 'secular slander'. Anyone in the West who has acquired a deep knowledge of Islam knows just to what extent its history, dogma and aims have been distorted. One must also take into account that fact that documents published in European languages on this subject (leaving aside highly specialised studies) do not make the work of a person willing to learn any easier." (From The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, by Maurice Bucaille, page 118)
The phenomenon which is generally known as Orientalism is but one aspect of Western misrepresentations of Islam. Today, most Muslims in the West would probably agree that the largest volume of distorted information about Islam comes from the media, whether in newspapers, magazines or on television. In terms of the number of people who are reached by such information, the mass media certainly has more of a widespread impact on the West's view of Islam than do the academic publications of "Orientalists", "Arabists" or "Islamicists". Speaking of labels, in recent years the academic field of what used to be called "Orientalism" has been renamed "Area Studies" or "Regional Studies", in most colleges and universities in the West. These politically correct terms have taken the place of the word "Orientalism" in scholarly circles since the latter word is now tainted with a negative imperialist connotation, in a large measure due to the Orientalists themselves. However, even though the works of scholars who pursue these fields do not reach the public at large, they do often fall into the hands of students and those who are personally interested in learning more about Islam. As such, any student of Islam—especially those in the West—need to be aware of the historical phenomenon of Orientalism, both as an academic pursuit and as a means of cultural exploitation. When used by Muslims, the word "Orientalist" generally refers to any Western scholar who studies Islam—regardless of his or her motives—and thus, inevitably, distorts it. As we shall see, however, the phenomenon of Orientalism is much more than an academic pursuit. Edward Said, a renowned Arab Christian scholar and author of several books exposing shortcomings of the Orientalist approach, defines "Orientalism" as follows: " . . . by Orientalism I mean several things, all of them, in my opinion, interdependent. The most readily accepted designation of for Orientalism is an academic one, and indeed, and indeed the label still serves in a number of academic institutions. Anyone who teaches, writes about, or researches the Orient—and this applies whether the person is an anthropologist, sociologist, historian, or philogist—either in its specific or its general aspects, is an Orientalist, and what he or she does is Orientalism." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 2)
"To speak of Orientalism therefore is to speak mainly, although not exclusively, of a British and French cultural enterprise, a project whose dimensions take in such disparate realms as the imagination itself, the whole of India and the Levant, the Biblical texts and the Biblical lands, the spice trade, colonial armies and a long tradition of colonial administrators, a formidable scholarly corpus, innumerable Oriental "experts" and "hands", an Oriental professorate, a complex array of "Oriental" ideas (Oriental despotism, Oriental splendor, cruelty, sensuality), many Eastern sects, philosophies, and wisdoms domesticated for local European use—the list can be extended more or less indefinitely." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 4) As is the case with many things, being aware of the problem is half the battle. Once a sincere seeker of the Truth is aware of the long standing misunderstanding and hostility between Islam and the West—and learns not to trust everything which they see in print—authentic knowledge and information can be obtained much more quickly. Certainly, not all Western writings on Islam have the same degree of bias—they run the range from willful distortion to simple ignorance—and there are even a few that could be classified as sincere efforts by non-Muslims to portray Islam in a positive light. However, even most of these works are plagued by seemingly unintentional errors, however minor, due to the author's lack of Islamic knowledge. In the spirit of fairness, it should be said that even some contemporary books on Islam by Muslim authors suffer from these same shortcomings, usually due to a lack of knowledge, heretical ideas and or depending on non-Muslim sources.
This having been said, it should come as no surprise that learning about Islam in the West—especially when relying on works in European languages—has never been an easy task. Just a few decades ago, an English speaking person who was interested in Islam, and wishing to limit their reading to works by Muslim authors, might have been limited to reading a translation of the Qur'an, a few translated hadeeth books and a few dozen pamphlet-sized essays. However, in the past several years the widespread availability of Islamic books—written by believing and committed Muslims—and the advent of the Internet have made obtaining authentic information on almost any aspect of Islam much easier. Today, hardly a week goes by that an English translation of a classical Islamic work is not announced. Keeping this in mind, I would encourage the reader to consult books written by Muslim authors when trying to learn about Islam. There are a wide range of Islamic book distributors that can be contacted through the Internet.
Moving on to a more detailed look at the West's distorted view of Islam in general and Orientalism in particular . . . Edward Said, the Arab Christian author of the monumental work Orientalism, accurately referred to Orientalism a "cultural enterprise". This is certainly no distortion, since the academic study of the Oriental East by the Occidental West was often motivated—and often co-operated hand-in-hand— with the imperialistic aims of the European colonial powers. Without a doubt, the foundations of Orientalism are in the maxim "Know thy enemy". When the "Christian Nations" of Europe began their long campaign to colonize and conquer the rest of the world for their own benefit, they brought their academic and missionary resources to bear in order to assist in the task. Orientalists and missionaries—whose ranks often overlapped—were more often than not the servants of an imperialist government who was using their services as a way to subdue or weaken an enemy, however subtly: "With regard to Islam and the Islamic territories, for example, Britain felt that it had legitimate interests, as a Christian power, to safeguard. A complex apparatus for tending these interests developed. Such early organizations as the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (1698) and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (1701) were succeeded and later abetted by the Baptist Missionary Society (1792), the Church Missionary Society (1799), the British and Foreign Bible Society (1804), the London Society for Promoting Christianity Among the Jews (1808). These missions "openly" joined the expansion of Europe." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 100) Anyone who has studied the subject knows that Christian missionaries were willing participants in European imperialism, regardless of the pure motives or naïveté of some of the individual missionaries. Actually, quite a few Orientalist scholars were Christian missionaries. One notable example is Sir William Muir, who was an active missionary and author of several books on Islam. His books were very biased and narrow-minded studies, but they continue to be used as references for those wishing to attack Islam to this very day. That Christians were the source of some of the worst lies and distortions about Islam should come as no surprise, since Islam was its main "competitor" on the stage of World Religions. Far from honouring the commandment not to bear false witness against one's neighbour, Christians distortions—and outright lies—about Islam were widespread, as the following shows: "The history of Orientalism is hardly one of unbiased examination of the sources of Islam especially when under the influence of the bigotry of Christianity. From the fanatical distortions of John of Damascus to the apologetic of later writers against Islam that told their audiences that the Muslims worshipped three idols! Peter the Venerable (1084-1156) "translated" the Qur'an which was used throughout the Middle Ages and included nine additional chapters. Sale's infamously distorted translation followed that trend, and his, along with the likes of Rodwell, Muir and a multitude of others attacked the character and personality of Muhammmed. Often they employed invented stories, or narration's which the Muslims themselves considered fabricated or weak, or else they distorted the facts by claiming Muslims held a position which they did not, or using the habits practised out of ignorance among the Muslims as the accurate portrayal of Islam. As Norman Daniel tell us in his work Islam and the West: "The use of false evidence to attack Islam was all but universal . . . " (p. 267)." (From An Authoritative Exposition - Part 1, by 'Abdur-Raheem Green) There is a great deal of proof that one could use to demonstrate that when it came to attacking Islam, even the Roman Catholic Church would readily embrace almost any untruth. Here's an example: "At a certain period in history, hostility to Islam, in whatever shape or form, even coming from declared enemies of the church, was received with the most heartfelt approbation by high dignitaries of the Catholic Church. Thus Pope Benedict XIV, who is reputed to have been the greatest Pontiff of the Eighteenth century, unhesitatingly sent his blessing to Voltaire. This was in thanks for the dedication to him of the tragedy Mohammed or Fanaticism (Mahomet ou le Fanatisme) 1741, a coarse satire that any clever scribbler of bad faith could have written on any subject. In spite of a bad start, the play gained sufficient prestige to be included in the repertoire of the Comédie-Française." (From The Bible, the Qur'an and Science, by Maurice Bucaille, page 118)
The dedicated enemy of the church, referred to above, was the French philosopher Voltaire. For an example of what he thought of at least one Christian doctrine, read his Anti-Trinitarians tract. Also, the above passage introduces a point that one should be well aware of: the distortions and lies about Islam throughout the ages in Europe were not been limited to a small number of scholars and clergy. On the contrary, they were part of popular culture at the time: "The European imagination was nourished extensively from this repertoire [of Oriental images]: between the Middle Ages and the eighteenth century such major authors as Ariosto, Milton, Marlowe, Tasso, Shakespeare, Cervantes, and the authors of the Chanson de Roland and the Poema del Cid drew on the Orient's riches for their productions, in ways that sharpened that outlines of imagery, ideas, and figures populating it. In addition, a great deal of what was considered learned Orientalist scholarship in Europe pressed ideological myths into service, even as knowledge seemed genuinely to be advancing." (From Orientalism, by Edward Said, page 63)
"The invariable tendency to neglect what the Qur'an meant, or what Muslims thought it meant, or what Muslims thought or did in any given circumstances, necessarily implies that Qur'anic and other Islamic doctrine was presented in a form that would convince Christians; and more and more extravagant forms would stand a chance of acceptance as the distance of the writers and public from the Islamic border increased. It was with very great reluctance that what Muslims said Muslims believed was accepted as what they did believe. There was a Christian picture in which the details (even under the pressure of facts) were abandoned as little as possible, and in which the general outline was never abandoned. There were shades of difference, but only with a common framework. All the corrections that were made in the interests of an increasing accuracy were only a defence of what had newly realised to be vulnerable, a shoring up of a weakened structure. Christian opinion was an erection which could not be demolished, even to be rebuilt." (From Islam and the West: The Making of an Image, by Norman Daniel, page 259-260) Edward Said, in his classic work Orientalism, referring to the above passage by Norman Daniel, says: "This rigorous Christian picture of Islam was intensified in innumerable ways, including—during the Middle Ages and early Renaissance—a large variety of poetry, learned controversy, and popular superstition. By this time the Near Orient had been all but incorporated in the common world-picture of Latin Christianity—as in the Chanson de Roland the worship of Saracens is portrayed as embracing Mahomet and Apollo. By the middle of the fifteenth century, as R. W. Southern has brilliantly shown, it became apparent to serious European thinkers "that something would have to be done about Islam," which had turned the situation around somewhat by itself arriving militarily in Eastern Europe." (From Orientalism, by Edward W. Said, page 61)
"Most conspicuous to us is the inability of any of these systems of thought [European Christian] to provide a fully satisfying explanation of the phenomenon they had set out to explain [Islam]—still less to influence the course of practical events in a decisive way. At a practical level, events never turned out either so well or so ill as the most intelligent observers predicted: and it is perhaps worth noticing that they never turned out better than when the best judges confidently expected a happy ending. Was there any progress [in Christian knowledge of Islam]? I must express my conviction that there was. Even if the solutions of the problem remained obstinately hidden from sight, the statement of the problem became more complex, more rational, and more related to experience." (From Western Views of Islam in the Middle Ages, by R. W. Southern, pages 91-92) Regardless of the flawed, biased—and even devious—approach of many Orientalists, they too can have their moments of candour, as Roger DuPasquier points out: "In general one must unhappily concur with an Orientalist like Montgomery Watt when he writes that 'of all the great men of the world, no-one has had as many detractors as Muhammad.' Having engaged in a lengthy study of the life and work of the Prophet, the British Arabist add that 'it is hard to understand why this has been the case', finding the only plausible explanation in the fact that for centuries Christianity treated Islam as its worst enemy. And although Europeans today look at Islam and its founder in a somewhat more objective light, 'many ancient prejudices still remain.'" (From Unveiling Islam, by Roger Du Pasquier, page 47 - quoting from W. M. Watt's Muhammad at Medina, Oxford University Press) source:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
superstitions of new years.

'Good Luck' traditions of the Kufaar
to Beware of during the Christian New Year
Around the globe, people celebrate the coming of a new year with traditions specific to their country. Although the celebrations are not always held on the same day, they often include religious ceremonies, costume parties, parades, and good luck charms said to bring fortune, luck and love in the new year.
Good Luck Customs and Superstitions Around the World...
Wear yellow underwear for good luck. Venezuelans also write wishes in a letter and burn it so they come true.
Jump seven ocean waves and your wishes may come true. Citizens of Rio de Janeiro also throw flowers into the water as an offering to the Goddess of the Seas.
Eat 12 grapes and make 12 wishes (one for each gong on the clock at midnight.) And if you're looking for love, Mexicans opt for red underwear.
To forget the old year, people create a dummy and stuff it with old newspapers and firecrackers. At midnight, each family lights the dummy on fire and as it goes up in smoke, the firecrackers also go off to add to the festivities.
South America:
On New Year's Day, most people make a habit of eating black-eyed peas and turnip greens (to bring good fortune and plenty of money.)
Single women put 12 men's names on slips of paper, plus one blank slip of paper under the pillow. When they wake up the following morning, they select one of the slips of paper, which means that is the person they will marry.
Sicily, Italy:
Eating pasta in Italy doesn't sound very unusual, but many Sicilians ring in the new year with a plate of lasagna for good luck.
The first visitor on New Year's Day will bring you luck — good or bad.
Many Danes horde old plates to throw at friends' houses. They believe that broken china means more friends.
There's a fair amount of champagne drinking and screaming on New Year's Eve, but for many French people the new year officially begins by eating king cake, "Galette des Rois," on the holiday known as Epiphany. Epiphany, which celebrates the arrival of the Three Kings to pay homage to Baby Jesus, is honored in most parts of France on the first Sunday of January. The almond-paste round cake is cut into pieces and distributed by a child hiding under the table. Whoever finds "la fève" — the charm hidden inside —is king or queen for the day and can choose a partner.
Vancouver, British Columbia:
Take a dip in the English Bay with the Polar Bear Club to wash the year's sins away.
On New Year's Eve, bells are rung 108 times to chase away 108 troubles. The Japanese all laugh after the gongs because it's believed that sharing a chuckle will drive away the bad spirits.
The Chinese New Year (slated for Jan. 29, 2006) is the first day of the lunar calendar, so it is also called the Lunar New Year. This holiday trumps all other holidays in China, and the festivities last 15 days. New Year Eve's dinner has lots of symbolic meaning. Eating dumplings implies wealth because they have the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots. Everyone, even kids, drinks a little liquor, which is a symbol of longevity. People also give each other red envelopes with money in it, a symbol of luck and wealth.
United States:
Wild cheers at the stroke of midnight is believed to ward off evil spirits. Chase the bad away and ring in the new year. Kissing your loved one ensures that friendly ties will grace you and the person for the next 12 months.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Persistence in attaining Istiqaamah.
n the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful
Ash-Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez bin Baaz: Persistence in attaining Istiqaamah.
All praise is due to Allah and may peace and salutations be upon the messenger of Allah, his familiy, companions and whoever follows his guidance; as for what follows:
The topic of Istiqaamah (uprightness in the religion) is a magnificent topic. It is suitable for every male and female believer to have a great concern for it, strive in attaining it
at all times, to ask Allah the mighty and sublime (for it) and to implore oneself before him requesting success in achieving it.
And you! Oh slave of Allah, it is incumbent upon you to be dilligent with regards to good, to rush towards it and cling to it. And that you beware of evil and stay far away from it and the means and causes that bring it about. And it is on you to beseech your lord and beg him to grant you assistance and success (in that).
And this dunya (worldly life) is an abode of trials and tribulations. It is the abode of action and preperation for the Aakhirah (next life). So Allah created the creation to worship him, and sent to them messengers, and revealed to them books and has given them intellects, hearing and sight. And he tests them with shayaateen (devils) from mankind and jinn, and (tests them with) lusts and desires.
So that which is obligatory (for us to do) is to use what Allah has given us from protection in leaving off harmful matters from what Allah tests us with by way of callers to evil and from devils both jinn and men.
And this abode is the abode of action, it is not an abode of bliss, rather it is an abode of action and deceit. Allah says: (So do not let the worldly life decieve you, nor let the chief deciever (shaytaan) deceive about Allah) 31:33. The enjoyments therein are minute as Allah says: ( Are you pleased with the life of this world over the hereafter? Little is the enjoyment of the life of this world compared to the hereafter) 9:38.
Therefore it is mandatory upon those who are responsible from the men and women to strive (to attain) Istiqaamah. It's compulsory to pay heed to the truth and act according to it in performing those obligatory duties and forsaking the prohibited ones and the legitimacy of increasing in those recommended acts, because they strengthen and increase one's Eeman. And remaining far from those affairs that could harm the slave even if they are allowed or disliked.
So the slave must work hard in leaving off everything that will harm him and everything that it is feared (from doing this thing) a decrease in righteous actions or negligence in performing them even though they may be mubaah (permitted).
The One free from all imperfections says: (Verily those who say: Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they remain upright (Istiqaamah), on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised! "We have been your friends in the life of this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. Therein you shall have (all) that your inner-selves desire, and therein you shall have (all) you ask for. "An entertainment from (Allah), the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.") 41:30-32. Meaning at the time of death, the time of resurrection and in the graves as a favor from Allah to us.
And in Surah al-Ahqaf we read the statement of Allah the mighty and sublime: (Verily those who say: Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they remain upright and firm (Istiqaamah), they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. Those shall be the dwellers of Paradise, abiding therein forever, a reward for what they used to do.) 46:13-14. And the statement of Allah in Surah an-Nahl: (Whoever works rightousness, whether male or female, while he is a true believer, verily We will give him a good life and We shall certainly pay them a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do)16:97. A pleasant life in the dunya and bliss in the hereafter.
And may peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.
Taken from:
Translated by: Abu Fouzaan Qaasim
Ash-Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez bin Baaz: Persistence in attaining Istiqaamah.
All praise is due to Allah and may peace and salutations be upon the messenger of Allah, his familiy, companions and whoever follows his guidance; as for what follows:
The topic of Istiqaamah (uprightness in the religion) is a magnificent topic. It is suitable for every male and female believer to have a great concern for it, strive in attaining it
at all times, to ask Allah the mighty and sublime (for it) and to implore oneself before him requesting success in achieving it.
And you! Oh slave of Allah, it is incumbent upon you to be dilligent with regards to good, to rush towards it and cling to it. And that you beware of evil and stay far away from it and the means and causes that bring it about. And it is on you to beseech your lord and beg him to grant you assistance and success (in that).
And this dunya (worldly life) is an abode of trials and tribulations. It is the abode of action and preperation for the Aakhirah (next life). So Allah created the creation to worship him, and sent to them messengers, and revealed to them books and has given them intellects, hearing and sight. And he tests them with shayaateen (devils) from mankind and jinn, and (tests them with) lusts and desires.
So that which is obligatory (for us to do) is to use what Allah has given us from protection in leaving off harmful matters from what Allah tests us with by way of callers to evil and from devils both jinn and men.
And this abode is the abode of action, it is not an abode of bliss, rather it is an abode of action and deceit. Allah says: (So do not let the worldly life decieve you, nor let the chief deciever (shaytaan) deceive about Allah) 31:33. The enjoyments therein are minute as Allah says: ( Are you pleased with the life of this world over the hereafter? Little is the enjoyment of the life of this world compared to the hereafter) 9:38.
Therefore it is mandatory upon those who are responsible from the men and women to strive (to attain) Istiqaamah. It's compulsory to pay heed to the truth and act according to it in performing those obligatory duties and forsaking the prohibited ones and the legitimacy of increasing in those recommended acts, because they strengthen and increase one's Eeman. And remaining far from those affairs that could harm the slave even if they are allowed or disliked.
So the slave must work hard in leaving off everything that will harm him and everything that it is feared (from doing this thing) a decrease in righteous actions or negligence in performing them even though they may be mubaah (permitted).
The One free from all imperfections says: (Verily those who say: Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they remain upright (Istiqaamah), on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised! "We have been your friends in the life of this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. Therein you shall have (all) that your inner-selves desire, and therein you shall have (all) you ask for. "An entertainment from (Allah), the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.") 41:30-32. Meaning at the time of death, the time of resurrection and in the graves as a favor from Allah to us.
And in Surah al-Ahqaf we read the statement of Allah the mighty and sublime: (Verily those who say: Our Lord is Allah (Alone)," and then they remain upright and firm (Istiqaamah), they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve. Those shall be the dwellers of Paradise, abiding therein forever, a reward for what they used to do.) 46:13-14. And the statement of Allah in Surah an-Nahl: (Whoever works rightousness, whether male or female, while he is a true believer, verily We will give him a good life and We shall certainly pay them a reward in proportion to the best of what they used to do)16:97. A pleasant life in the dunya and bliss in the hereafter.
And may peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.
Taken from:
Translated by: Abu Fouzaan Qaasim
Friday, November 20, 2009
What has happened to you is (nothing else), but as a result of your turning away ...
Sheikh Saaleh Al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) stated:
The actions, disbelief and evil of the Yahood is well known, even (with regards) to (their relationship) with their Prophets. They killed their Prophets, and (also) is that which occurred with Kaleemul'laah- Moosaa (alayhis-salaam) such as what Allaah has related in the Qur'aan (regarding) the story of Moosaa and Haaroon (alayhimas-salaam).
The character, disbelief, misguidance and evil of the Yahood is well known, even towards their Prophets; but what is obligatory upon us (Muslims) is that we ponder and rectify our deviated affairs and repent to Allaah; because the Yahood have not gained the upper hand over us except due to our sins.
Why is it that we do not hear anyone addressing and admonishing the Muslims whilst saying to them: What has happened to you is (nothing else), but as a result of your turning away from the religion of Allaah and negligence in the affairs of the Deen. So repent to Allaah in order that Allaah may aid you and avert the plot of the plotters from you.
We do not hear except insult, abuse and supplication against the Yahood, but this should be substituted with supplicating to Allaah to rectify the Muslims and to make them steadfast. And to mention to the Muslims that they should repent and return to Allaah, and rectify their Deen for the sake of Allaah. This is the first obligation.
As for supplication against an oppressor-be it the Yahood or other than them, then there is nothing wrong with this. It is legislated to supplicate against the one who oppress you with the sharee'ah supplications-the supplications found in the Book and the Sunnah. But before supplicating against them, you should supplicate to Allaah to rectify the Muslims and to make the Muslims steadfast upon their Religion and return them to the truth. (And) advise, address and admonish (them) with regards to Allaah. This is what is obligatory. [1]
The actions, disbelief and evil of the Yahood is well known, even (with regards) to (their relationship) with their Prophets. They killed their Prophets, and (also) is that which occurred with Kaleemul'laah- Moosaa (alayhis-salaam) such as what Allaah has related in the Qur'aan (regarding) the story of Moosaa and Haaroon (alayhimas-salaam).
The character, disbelief, misguidance and evil of the Yahood is well known, even towards their Prophets; but what is obligatory upon us (Muslims) is that we ponder and rectify our deviated affairs and repent to Allaah; because the Yahood have not gained the upper hand over us except due to our sins.
Why is it that we do not hear anyone addressing and admonishing the Muslims whilst saying to them: What has happened to you is (nothing else), but as a result of your turning away from the religion of Allaah and negligence in the affairs of the Deen. So repent to Allaah in order that Allaah may aid you and avert the plot of the plotters from you.
We do not hear except insult, abuse and supplication against the Yahood, but this should be substituted with supplicating to Allaah to rectify the Muslims and to make them steadfast. And to mention to the Muslims that they should repent and return to Allaah, and rectify their Deen for the sake of Allaah. This is the first obligation.
As for supplication against an oppressor-be it the Yahood or other than them, then there is nothing wrong with this. It is legislated to supplicate against the one who oppress you with the sharee'ah supplications-the supplications found in the Book and the Sunnah. But before supplicating against them, you should supplicate to Allaah to rectify the Muslims and to make the Muslims steadfast upon their Religion and return them to the truth. (And) advise, address and admonish (them) with regards to Allaah. This is what is obligatory. [1]
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Bible - Isaiah | verse 6

Shaykh-ul-Islaam Ibnul Qayyim about:
The Bible - Isaiah | verse 6-9
6 For thus has the Lord said to me:
Go, set a watchman,
Let him declare what he sees.
7: And he saw a chariot with a pair of horsemen,
A chariot of donkeys, and a chariot of camels,
And he listened earnestly with great care.
8 Then he cried, A lion, my Lord!
I stand continually on the watchtower in the daytime;
I have sat at my post every night.
9 And look, here comes a chariot of men with a pair of horsemen!
Then he answered and said,
Babylon is fallen, is fallen!
And all the carved images of her gods
He has broken to the ground.
Ibnul Qayyim:
"Both we and the Christians believe that the horseman(on donkey) is the Messiah, while the rider on the camel is Muhammad (sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam). He is more known to ride camels than what Messiah is known to ride on donkeys. And also, it was with Muhammad (sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) the Babylon idols fell, not with the messiah. In Babylon have idols been worshiped since Ibraheem's time all the way until they fell with Muhammad (sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
(Hidaayat-ul-Hayaaraa, p. 128)
Friday, October 9, 2009
Corruption of Mankind By: Sheikh Saalih bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan
Allaah has created his creation so as to worship Him and has prepared for them that which will aid them in this from His provisions. He ta'ala says
"And I (Allaah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them (i.e. provision for themselves or for My creatures) nor do I ask that they should feed Me (i.e. feed themselves or My creatures). Verily, Allaah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong."[1]
The soul, if it is left upon its fitrah (natural state) affirms Allaah's divinity and has love for Allaah, worships Him alone, and does not ascribe partners to Him.
However the Shayaateen from the Jinn and the Ins (mankind) corrupts and deviates it from that with what they reveal to one another by way of beautification in speech and deceptions. Tawheed is centered in the fitrah. Shirk is foreign and inserted into it. Allaah ta'ala says:
"So set you (O Muhammad SAW) your face towards the religion of pure Islamic Monotheism Hanifa (worship none but Allaah Alone) Allaah's Fitrah (i.e. Allaah's Islamic Monotheism), with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Khalqilaah (i.e. the Religion of Allaah Islamic Monotheism), that is the straight religion, but most of men know not" [2]
The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said "Every child born is born upon the fitrah, however his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Pagan"[3] So the root of the children is Tawheed.
The religion was Islaam from the time of Aadam (alaihi salaam) and until those who came after him from his progeny for many generations.
Allaah ta'ala says:
"Mankind were one community and Allaah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings" [4]
The first occurrence of shirk and deviance upon the aqeedah was with the people of Nuh (alaihi salaam)
"Verily, We have inspired you (O Muhammad SAW) as We inspired Nuh (Noah) and the Prophets after him;" [5]
Ibnu Abbaas said "There was between Aadam and Nuh (alaihima salaam) ten generations, all of them upon Islaam"
Ibnul Qayyim said "This comment (of Ibnu Abbaas) is clearly correct for the reading of Abi ibn Ka'b of the verse "So they differed and then Allaah sent the Prophets"
Allaah's statement affirms this when He says
"Mankind were but one community (i.e. on one religion - Islaamic Monotheism), then they differed (later), and had not it been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, it would have been settled between them regarding what they differed" [6]
The sending of the Prophets was due to the differing from that which they were upon from the correct religion. Just as the Arabs were upon the religion of Ibraaheem (alaihi salaam) until 'Amru bin Lahee al-Khazaa'ee surfaced and changed the religion of Ibraaheem. He erected idols in the land of the Arabs and in the land of al-Hijaaz in a specific manner until they were worshipped besides Allaah and shirk began to spread in the Holy lands and its surrounding it until Allaah sent His Prophet Muhammad, the seal of the Prophets (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). He called the people to Tawheed and to following the path of Ibraaheem and fought the true Jihaad until the creed of Tawheed and the path of Ibraaheem was returned to and the idols were destroyed. Allaah completed with him His religion and completed His favor upon all of the worlds. This methodology continued through out the noble generations from the beginning of this Ummah until ignorance began to spread in the later generations. Many (false) ideologies infiltrated it and shirk returned to many of this Ummah because of callers to misguidance and building structures over the graves in an effort to glorify the Awliyyaa' and Saaliheen (righteous individuals) claiming love for them until monuments were built over their graves.
They were taken as idols of worship besides Allaah by many ways this included du'a, seeking assistance, slaughtering, and sacrifice at their locations.
They called shirk Tawassul (means of drawing closer to Allaah thru worship) with the righteous and expression of their love for them and not worship of them as they claimed.
They have forgotten that this was the excuse of the pagans before them when they said,
""We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allaah" [7]
Even with this shirk falling upon the mankind past and present you found the majority of them believing in Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah but ascribing partners to Allaah in their worship as Allaah ta'ala says:
"And most of them believe not in Allaah except that they attribute partners unto Him"
They do not deny the existence of their Lord; only a small number of mankind did, such as Phir'awn, atheists, and the communists present in this era. Their denial is from their being blatantly arrogant. They are still compelled to testify this inside (their hearts) as Allaah says:
"And they belied them (those Ayah) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their own selves were convinced thereof" [8]
Their intellects know full well that every creation has to have a creator, every thing in existence has to have one who brought it into existence, and the order of this great disciplined and complicated matter has to have one who has power over it , wise, and maintains its order possessing all knowledge of it. Whoever denies these facts then he is either void of any intellect or blatantly arrogant and has limited his intellect and suppressed himself and this of course has not goal to it. Kitaabut Tawheed
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan bin Abdillaah al-Fawzaan
Originally Produced By Daru Ahlil Athar
"And I (Allaah) created not the jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them (i.e. provision for themselves or for My creatures) nor do I ask that they should feed Me (i.e. feed themselves or My creatures). Verily, Allaah is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong."[1]
The soul, if it is left upon its fitrah (natural state) affirms Allaah's divinity and has love for Allaah, worships Him alone, and does not ascribe partners to Him.
However the Shayaateen from the Jinn and the Ins (mankind) corrupts and deviates it from that with what they reveal to one another by way of beautification in speech and deceptions. Tawheed is centered in the fitrah. Shirk is foreign and inserted into it. Allaah ta'ala says:
"So set you (O Muhammad SAW) your face towards the religion of pure Islamic Monotheism Hanifa (worship none but Allaah Alone) Allaah's Fitrah (i.e. Allaah's Islamic Monotheism), with which He has created mankind. No change let there be in Khalqilaah (i.e. the Religion of Allaah Islamic Monotheism), that is the straight religion, but most of men know not" [2]
The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said "Every child born is born upon the fitrah, however his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Pagan"[3] So the root of the children is Tawheed.
The religion was Islaam from the time of Aadam (alaihi salaam) and until those who came after him from his progeny for many generations.
Allaah ta'ala says:
"Mankind were one community and Allaah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings" [4]
The first occurrence of shirk and deviance upon the aqeedah was with the people of Nuh (alaihi salaam)
"Verily, We have inspired you (O Muhammad SAW) as We inspired Nuh (Noah) and the Prophets after him;" [5]
Ibnu Abbaas said "There was between Aadam and Nuh (alaihima salaam) ten generations, all of them upon Islaam"
Ibnul Qayyim said "This comment (of Ibnu Abbaas) is clearly correct for the reading of Abi ibn Ka'b of the verse "So they differed and then Allaah sent the Prophets"
Allaah's statement affirms this when He says
"Mankind were but one community (i.e. on one religion - Islaamic Monotheism), then they differed (later), and had not it been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, it would have been settled between them regarding what they differed" [6]
The sending of the Prophets was due to the differing from that which they were upon from the correct religion. Just as the Arabs were upon the religion of Ibraaheem (alaihi salaam) until 'Amru bin Lahee al-Khazaa'ee surfaced and changed the religion of Ibraaheem. He erected idols in the land of the Arabs and in the land of al-Hijaaz in a specific manner until they were worshipped besides Allaah and shirk began to spread in the Holy lands and its surrounding it until Allaah sent His Prophet Muhammad, the seal of the Prophets (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). He called the people to Tawheed and to following the path of Ibraaheem and fought the true Jihaad until the creed of Tawheed and the path of Ibraaheem was returned to and the idols were destroyed. Allaah completed with him His religion and completed His favor upon all of the worlds. This methodology continued through out the noble generations from the beginning of this Ummah until ignorance began to spread in the later generations. Many (false) ideologies infiltrated it and shirk returned to many of this Ummah because of callers to misguidance and building structures over the graves in an effort to glorify the Awliyyaa' and Saaliheen (righteous individuals) claiming love for them until monuments were built over their graves.
They were taken as idols of worship besides Allaah by many ways this included du'a, seeking assistance, slaughtering, and sacrifice at their locations.
They called shirk Tawassul (means of drawing closer to Allaah thru worship) with the righteous and expression of their love for them and not worship of them as they claimed.
They have forgotten that this was the excuse of the pagans before them when they said,
""We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allaah" [7]
Even with this shirk falling upon the mankind past and present you found the majority of them believing in Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah but ascribing partners to Allaah in their worship as Allaah ta'ala says:
"And most of them believe not in Allaah except that they attribute partners unto Him"
They do not deny the existence of their Lord; only a small number of mankind did, such as Phir'awn, atheists, and the communists present in this era. Their denial is from their being blatantly arrogant. They are still compelled to testify this inside (their hearts) as Allaah says:
"And they belied them (those Ayah) wrongfully and arrogantly, though their own selves were convinced thereof" [8]
Their intellects know full well that every creation has to have a creator, every thing in existence has to have one who brought it into existence, and the order of this great disciplined and complicated matter has to have one who has power over it , wise, and maintains its order possessing all knowledge of it. Whoever denies these facts then he is either void of any intellect or blatantly arrogant and has limited his intellect and suppressed himself and this of course has not goal to it. Kitaabut Tawheed
Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan bin Abdillaah al-Fawzaan
Originally Produced By Daru Ahlil Athar
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What is the difference between the Jinn and the Shaytaan?

What is the difference between the Jinn and the Shaytaan?
‘The Jinn’ are the kind, they are the second type of creation, like man-kind. Allaah the Glorified said:
And I (Allaah) created not the Jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone). [Adh Dhariyaat: 56]
So the Jinn are a class amongst the creation, created by Allaah to worship Him like mankind. The Shayateen are the rebellious amongst them. So the Shayateen are from the Jinn as well as mankind, both the Shayateen from the Jinn and mankind are included in the category of Shayateen, Allaah the Elevated said:
And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies – Shayateen (devils) among mankind and Jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion (or by way of deception). [al An’aam: 112]
The point is that the Shayateen are from the Jinn as well as mankind, they are the rebellious, those who transgressed over Allaah’s boundaries.
‘The Shaytaan’ who is the forefather of the Jinn, is their leader, and whoever rebelled from his progeny and transgressed over the boundaries is a Shaytaan. Those amongst them who are steadfast upon worshiping Allaah are not from the Shayateen, rather they are belivers, as Allaah stated concerning the Jinn:
'There are among us, those who are righteous, and those to the contrary; we are groups having different ways (religious sects). [Al jinn: 11]
He also said about them:
'And of us some are Muslims (who have submitted to Allaah, after listening to this Qur-aan), and of us some are Al-Qaasitoon (disbelievers who deviated from the Right Path).' And whosoever has embraced Islaam (i.e. has become a Muslim by submitting to Allaah), then such have sought the Right Path." And as for the Qaasitoon (disbelievers who deviated from the Right Path), they shall be firewood for Hell [Al Jinn: 14-15]
So amongst them is the Muslim, the non-Muslim, the innovator, the Sunnee, the Raafidee, the Shuyoo’ee, the Mu’tazilee, the Jahmee, just like mankind, we ask Allaah for safety. Reference:
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Allaah's Greatest Name

Some people believe that Allaah’s greatest name is a specific name is unknown except to those whom Allaah has specified with a Karaamah that is out of the ordinary. This is incorrect, for indeed Allaah the Elevated encouraged us to know His names and attributes and praised those who know them, understand them and supplicate to Allaah with them, whether it is a supplication of worship or a supplication of request. There is no doubt that Allaah’s greatest name is amongst them, rendered by Allaah for this reason. For Indeed He, the Lofty, is most generous without restriction, there is no limit to His generosity and graciousness, and He loves to be generous to His servants. Amongst His greatest generosity, is that he made Himself known to His servants with His beautiful names and lofty attributes.
It is correct that all His names are beautiful, and all of them are great, but His greatest name is:
-Every solitary name
-or every name that is combined with another
if they allude to all His Dhaatee attributes, Fi’lee attributes, or all the attributes.
For example; Allaah [solitary name], for it combines all the meanings of Uluheeyyah and all the attributes of perfection.
Al Hameed al Majeed [combined name], for al Hameed combines all the meanings of praiseworthiness and perfection for Allaah the Elevated. And al Majeed alludes to all the attributes of grandeur and majesty. Similar to it is; Al Jaleel al Hameed and al Ghanee al Kareem.
Likewise is; al Hayy al Qayoom, indeed al Hayy is one who has the perfect, grandest life which combines all the meaning of the Self. Al Qayoom is one who is self sufficient, not in need of all the creation, created all that is in existence, it is the name that combines all the attributes of action. Likewise is; al ‘Adheem al Kabeer, one who posses all the meanings of grandeur and loftiness, in His Self and names and attributes. He posses all the meanings of grandeur specified to him.
Similarly is your statement; yaa Dhal Jalaal wal Ikraam. For indeed al Jalaal are the attributes of magnificence, grandeur and perfection. And al Ikraam is His deveservance of love, humility and so on from His servants. So it is known by this that Allaah’s greatest name is a group noun [for lack of better translation: Ism Jins].
This is what the texts of the legislation and derivation signify, as is narrated in as Sunnan, that the Messenger of Allaah heard a man saying:
“O Alllah, I ask by that I bear witness that there is no deity worth of worship in truth other than You, al Ahad, as Samad, You beget not, nor were you begotten, and there is none co-equal or comparable to you…”
So the Messenger - صلى الله عليه وسلم - said:
“By the One whom my soul is in His hands, you have asked Allaah with His greatest name, the name in which is He is supplicated with, He responds, and if it is requested of Him, He gives.” [At Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Maajah and others]
There is another Hadeeth where a man supplicated saying:
“O Allaah I ask you, with that all praise if for You, there is no deity worthy of worship in truth other than you, al Mannaan, Badee’ as Samaawaat wal Ard, Dhul Jalaal wal Ikraam, Yaa Hayy, Yaa Qayoom…”
So the Messenger - صلى الله عليه وسلم - said:
“By the One whom my soul is in His hands, you have asked Allaah with His greatest name.” [At Tirmidhee, an Nasaa-ee and others]
The Coldness of Zamhareer

Ibnul Qayyim stated:
Allaah’s statement:
Nothing cool shall they taste therein, nor any drink. Except boiling water, and Ghasaaqaa” [Al Naba: 24-25]
It is Zamhareer, it burns them with its extreme cold just as it burns them with its heat. It was also stated by Mujaahid and Muqaatil that it is the peak of coldness.
[Badaa’i al Fawaa-id: 2/244]
Al Haafidh stated:
Allaah the Elevated rendered what is in this world, in terms of heat and cold, related to the heat and cold of the Hell fire, and an evidence for it, and this is why it is recommend to seek refuge from the Hell fire when one experiences this [i.e. the heat and cold].
As was narrated by ‘Uthmaan ad Daarimee and others, the Hadeeth of Daraaj, on the authority of Abu Haytham…that Abu Hurayrah narrated to him that the Prophet- صلى الله عليه وسلم - said:
If a man says on a hot day; ‘There is no deity worthy of worship in truth but Allaah, how hot it is today! O Allaah! Save me from the heat of Jahannam [the Hell fire].’
Allaah would say to Jahannam; “Indeed a servant of Mine has asked Me for salvation from your heat, indeed I hold you as a witness that I have granted him salvation.”
And if a servant says on an extremely cold day; ‘There is no deity worthy of worship in truth but Allaah, how cold it is today! O Allaah! Save me from the Zamhareer of Jahannam.’
Allaah would say to Jahannam; “Indeed a servant of Mine has sought refuge with me from your Zamhareer, indeed I hold you as a witness that I have granted him refuge.”
The companions asked: “What is the Zamhareer of Jahannam?
He replied: “It is an abode where the disbeliever is thrown, he would be torn apart by its extreme cold.”
[Fat-h al Baaree: 3/71]
Al ‘Aynee stated:
There is nothing to prevent Zamhareer from emitting from the same Hell fire, because what is meant by ‘the Hell fire’ is its place, which is Jahannam, and there is a level of Zamhareer in it.
It was said that there is no contradiction here in combing between heat and cold in the Hell fire, because the Hell fire is Jahannam, and it has been narrated that parts of it are fire and other parts are Zamhareer, and they are not in the same place, it is impossible that they are combined in one place.
I say [Al ‘Aynee]: The One who created the dominion including ice and fire, is able to combine two opposites in one place. In addition, the Hell fire is from the affairs of the unseen, and the affairs of the unseen are not to be compared to the affairs of this world.
[‘Umdat al Qaaree: 7350]
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tips on burial procedures for Muslims in non-Muslim land

Compiled by Moosaa ibn John Richardson
"Breaking the bone of a deceased person is like breaking it while he is alive."
In the Name of
Allaah, the Most Merciful...
May His complete
Salaat and perfect Salaam be upon the Prophet Muhammad, and upon His companions and followers...
These are a few points of helpful advice that came to my mind as I was discussing the issue of trying to conform to the proper manners of
Islaamic burials while having to comply to local laws in non-Muslim lands.
In my area, we were required by law to place the deceased into a coffin, and that a simple burial of a shrouded body directly into the ground (which is the
Sunnah) was not allowed.
While not pleased in any way with this law, the Muslims in charge of the burial should take the following advice in this case:
Look for a Legal Loophole
1) Ask a lawyer if there are any exceptions allowed and try to find a legal way around it, so that the deceased can be buried properly, in a shroud, directly into the ground. Your area may have slightly different local laws that govern this issue, and it couldn't hurt to ask.
Buy Only the Cheapest Coffin
2) If there is no legal way around it and it must be done, then the cheapest and easiest thing that fulfills the law should be used. Using a "crate" or other cheap kind of box is sufficient. It should be explained to anyone who may not understand the reason that this is because death is the way that
Allaah lowers people and reminds them of how helpless and fragile they will become after death. We are not like the non-Muslims who try to deny the reality of death, hosting parties, giving eulogies, even stitching fake smiles onto the deceased's face! We take the reminder, seek forgiveness, lower the deceased into the hole in the ground, and throw the dirt on our lost loved one!
Spending money on expensive caskets or unnecessary burial rituals is taking the wealth of the deceased with no right, and thus taking the wealth of the inheritors with no right, and thus: oppression. Even if someone volunteered to buy an expensive coffin, it would still be a waste of money, since it is of no benefit to the deceased in any way and it is just discarded in the ground.
Fill the Coffin with Dirt Before Finishing the Burial
3) This is extremely important since it is something that many people would not think to do! So long as the law allows (and it should) for an open casket up until the burial is completed, then after placing the deceased into the hole, open the casket and place dirt directly onto the deceased, filling the casket entirely, before closing it and completing the burial.
Why is this important? Because if the casket is not filled up, it will cave in as the weight of the dirt above increases and very likely harm the deceased. We must be very gentle when transporting and burying our dead, so as not to cause them any pain.
The Prophet (may
Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:
"Breaking the bone of a deceased person is like breaking it while he is alive." [1]
This point (#3) was really why I wanted to write this. I pray that it is a reminder to the believers that is pleasing to
Allaah. He alone is the One who grants success.
Please help in passing this on to
imaams, community leaders, and those who help often in burials - with my salaams - and Allaah knows best.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sheikh Muhammad al Banna-

-19th Muharam 1428 7thFEB 2007
Last weekend, we had the pleasure of visiting our sheikh Muhammad Abdulwahhab al-Banna in Makkah, about 10 minutes before Asr prayer, the sheikh arrived through gate 94 in his electric wheelchair. The sheikh was born in 1916, 1333h a year or two after sheikh alAlbaani and sheikh Bin Baz rahimahumallaah. Now 91years (gregorian calender) but 94 in the hijri calender. The sheikh said that every 30 years (gregorian calender) add 1 year for the hijri calender to your life.
He faced the qiblah and prayed his tahyatul masjid, then took out his Qur'an and began to read. The sheikh completes the Qur'an twice in 1 week mashaallaah up and till today mashaallaah. I approached him and gave my salam and kissed his forehead, with so much enthusiasm he stressed that i must have dinner with him along with my family. Later other brothers were also invited. At maghrib time the sheikh again came early to the masjid and broke his fast as he fasts most of the month Muharram. He stayed in the masjid till the Isha prayer. Five times a day in the Haram mashaallaah. I asked him whether he goes to Jeddah twice a week as he used to. But he said that he will miss the haram. Then he calculated and said that 1 full day in the haram in salat is better that over 250 years of prayer!! Mashallaah. I asked whether he will visit us in Madinah and he said how can i give up 100 000 prayers for 1000!!
At dinner time he served us before eating making sure we were all happy mashaallaah.
Before Fajr the sheikh arrived less than an hour to go and he prayed his night prayers. His wife said that he prays the night prayer every night mashaallaah.
From the advice he gave was that we give a good impression of Islam to the non Muslims, then he mentioned his own story when he was giving da'wah to a preist in Birmingham, UK, who later agreed that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam must really be a Prophet. He requested that sallam be given to Sheikh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree and other mashayakh in Madinah and made much du'a. Inshaallaah the full details will be included in his biography which is very beneficial indeed.
May Allaah bless the sheikh and protect him and the Muslims from all evil. Indeed he is one of the best examples of being a worshipper. Busying himself with that which concerns him, being good to his family and neighbours and guests seeking the pleasure of Allaah. Humble... The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said "Whoever humbles himself to Allaah, Allaah raises him"
Likewise the opposite is true...
How many have fallen because of arrogance, looking down at others with pride and haughtiness under hidden names slandering, not wishing for your brothers what one wishes for himself... guidance, to be forgiven, paradise.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Just as you treat others you will be treated."
May Allaah forgive us for our short comings and guide us to the truth.Ameen
Abdulilah Lahmami
wiping over ankle socks:
In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful...
An honored guest reminded me today that our brothers need to be clear on the issue of ankle socks and the ruling on wiping over them for wudhoo', since it is an issue that many people may not know about.
Ankle socks: very short socks usually worn with low top sports shoes, they usually do not cover the ankle.
Ankle socks that do not cover the ankle bone entirely do not fit the criteria of a "khuff", and thus it is not permissible to wipe over them for wudhoo'. Thus, wiping over ankle socks (that do not cover the ankle) is INVALID, and the wudhoo' is incomplete and thus invalid as well.
Our shaykh, Dr. Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) said:
"...And it is a condition (for the validity of wiping over the footwear) that the footwear cover the foot. He may not wipe over footwear that is not sufficiently covering what he is required to wash (i.e. the entire foot, top and bottom, including the ankles), like footwear that is below the ankle, or footwear that is big enough, but does not properly cover the foot because it is too thin, like a thin nylon sock. None of these things may be wiped over since they do not adequately cover (the foot)..."
Source: al-Mulakh-khas al-Fiqhee (1/42)
An honored guest reminded me today that our brothers need to be clear on the issue of ankle socks and the ruling on wiping over them for wudhoo', since it is an issue that many people may not know about.
Ankle socks: very short socks usually worn with low top sports shoes, they usually do not cover the ankle.
Ankle socks that do not cover the ankle bone entirely do not fit the criteria of a "khuff", and thus it is not permissible to wipe over them for wudhoo'. Thus, wiping over ankle socks (that do not cover the ankle) is INVALID, and the wudhoo' is incomplete and thus invalid as well.
Our shaykh, Dr. Saalih al-Fawzaan (may Allaah preserve him) said:
"...And it is a condition (for the validity of wiping over the footwear) that the footwear cover the foot. He may not wipe over footwear that is not sufficiently covering what he is required to wash (i.e. the entire foot, top and bottom, including the ankles), like footwear that is below the ankle, or footwear that is big enough, but does not properly cover the foot because it is too thin, like a thin nylon sock. None of these things may be wiped over since they do not adequately cover (the foot)..."
Source: al-Mulakh-khas al-Fiqhee (1/42)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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